Flora giggled. ‘I’m sure you didn’t hurt Leif’s feelings. He’s a big, strong man and I’m sure he can look after himself.’

Victor rubbed at the tufts of hair on the sides of his head. ‘I wasn’t always this grouchy but I haven’t felt like myself in such a long time, Flora. Some days I don’t even want to get out of bed.’ He sighed. ‘And telling you that makes me sound like the worst person in the world. I have much to be thankful for and should not be feeling sorry for myself. My Mavis would wipe the floor with me for wallowing in self-pity.’

Flora placed a hand over one of his, noting the feel of the thick veins under his skin and the swollen joints of his arthritic knuckles. ‘Victor, I am sure that Mavis would understand whyyou feel the way you do. You were clearly together for a long time and losing her must be awful for you.’

‘We were together for a very long time. I’m eighty-two now and we went on our first date when I was nineteen and she was eighteen.’

‘Goodness me! And you stayed together all that time?’

Victor nodded. ‘She was my soulmate.’

‘That’s so romantic. I wish I could find someone like that.’

‘What? A beautiful young woman like you doesn’t have a fella?’

Flora shook her head then pushed a few strands of her hair behind her ear. ‘I don’t, no.’ She bit her lip, not wanting to say more.

‘I’d have thought you’d have thousands of them queuing up for a date with those big, brown eyes and that lovely dark hair. And you seem like a very nice person and that, as my Mavis would say, is the most important thing of all. Looks fade, bodies change but a kind heart endures.’

‘That’s true,’ she agreed. ‘A person can be stunningly beautiful or strikingly handsome but if their heart isn’t good then their looks are irrelevant.’

I should know…

‘Well, I’m sure you’ll find someone sooner or later and I hope they treat you like a princess.’ Victor smiled warmly at her and her heart swelled.

‘That’s so kind of you but really… I’m happy being single. I don’t want a man in my life right now because I have my career and I’m so busy and… and…’ She met Victor’s eyes and saw only understanding there. ‘Thanks, Victor.’

‘Here you go.’ Leif had returned with a plate of toast and a mug of steaming tea.

‘Thank you, son.’ Victor accepted the plate and took a bite of the buttered toast. After he’d swallowed, he said, ‘This is good.Toast always tastes better when someone else makes it for some strange reason.’

‘I think that too.’ Flora laughed.

‘Right then… I should probably get Magnus home soon,’ Leif said, and Flora’s heart dipped. ‘He’ll need a snack and I also want to get you some shopping, Victor, so if you make a list of what you need, I’ll go to the shop first then come back for Magnus.’

‘You’re both incredibly kind.’ Victor leant forwards and pulled out a drawer in the coffee table that Flora hadn’t even realised was there. Victor got a notepad and pen out of it then started writing a list. ‘I don’t need much. Just a few things to keep me going then I can catch the bus to the supermarket tomorrow. I do have my old car but I don’t really like to drive these days because my reactions are so much slower.’

‘You’ll do no such thing,’ Leif said. ‘I’ll take you in the van.’

‘What?’ Victor said. ‘I can’t ask you to do that.’

‘You’re not asking, I’m offering. It’s no problem at all.’

‘I don’t suppose I could join you, could I?’ Flora asked.

‘Of course you can!’ Leif said. ‘The more, the merrier. We can get some ingredients for baking then come back here and have our bake-off. If Victor agrees?’

‘You want to come here to bake cakes?’ Victor raised his eyebrows.

‘Yes… if that’s all right?’ Leif said.

‘That’s more than all right by me! I’d love for the smell of cakes baking to fill these rooms again.’ Victor put the pen and pad down and resumed eating his toast.

‘That’s settled then.’ Leif stood up and reached for the shopping list. ‘I’ll pop to the shop then come back for Magnus.’

‘Take my card,’ Victor said, pointing at a wallet sitting on the mantel piece.

‘It’s fine. Pay me back later.’