The tension that hovered in the air had started with her recommendation to get tested for dyslexia and, like a monster, it had grown.

Becca didn’t utter a single word as they made their way back to his truck, still filled with some of the luggage that wasn’t needed until his family settled in more permanently. He would put it in the storage shed when he got back, but at the moment it was only a stark reminder about how little he knew about Becca and vice versa.

Ethan wasn’t surprised that she hadn’t spoken a word to him, though he was curious if she had questions or if she was angry with him over his not telling her about his family. She’d become a friend. Why wouldn’t he have said something?

He frowned and stared straight ahead. Telling her meant that this little relationship would become that much more real. And if he were honest with himself, he’d admit that he was scared.

Ethan was scared that if he got closer to her, he’d end up losing her. It was like his cousin had said. She was a city girl. What if a small push wasn’t enough to get her to move to a place like Rocky Ridge? Coupled with the fact that he really didn’t know that much about her except that she enjoyed writing as a means of escape, he had to ask himself if this was all just wishful thinking.

A quick glance in her direction confirmed she wasn’t happy. She looked utterly miserable. And the worst part was that he felt completely responsible, though he couldn’t figure out just why. There hadn’t been any expectations. They’d been friendly, but he’d planned on trying to push things in a more serious direction.

He still wanted to.

They arrived at Sagebrush Ranch and Becca climbed out of the truck before he had a chance to clear the air. He pushed his own door open and hurried after her. “Becca?—”

She turned to face him, but in a matter of seconds, the front door to the house burst open and several women hurried down the steps with Tina at the helm. Ethan was all but forgotten as Becca turned to face the girls.

“There you are. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Ethan moved toward them slowly, coming to stand just behind and to the side of Becca. She shifted, her focus bouncing from Tina to Katrina and then the others.

“Was there something planned for today?” Her eyes cut to Ethan’s. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have anything in my schedule. I went with Ethan to the city. If I had known?—”

“No,” Tina spat. “You know what you did. You might as well admit it because I’ve told everyone.”

Ethan was just as curious as Becca. The women surrounding Tina didn’t look nearly as accusatory, though they were clearly expecting answers. But what answers were those?

Becca’s nervous laugh filled the air. “I’m sorry, I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. Did I offend you in some way?”

She had a great deal more patience than Ethan did. If he’d been put in this situation, he would have already started yelling.

Tina pointed a finger at her, voice sharp. “Stop playing dumb. We all know you’ve had it out for me from the beginning.”

He watched in awe as Becca stood her ground. She folded her arms and lifted her chin, showing her refusal to be pushed around. “How about you enlighten me, then. What evidence do you have? How have I tried to sabotageyourweek?”

Tina turned to face the others. “See? She’s denying it. She’s trying to cause more and more drama the closer we get to Katrina’s wedding. I bet you anything she’s got some big thing planned for the wedding day and there won’t be anything we can do about it unless we stop her now.”

Katrina held up her hands, finally stepping in. “Whoa. I know you think Becca is stirring up trouble, but you can’t just make accusations without proof.”

“Isn’t it obvious? First, she left that gate open. She’s always sneaking off in the early-morning hours. She would have had plenty of time to do that. Andrew got hurt because of it.”

Julia stepped forward. “With all due respect, Tina, my husband knows his way around horses. He probably would have gotten hurt no matter what. It was a fluke. You can’t blame his injury on Becca.”

Ethan continued to watch the conversation play out like he was watching a movie. It felt all too surreal.

Tina crossed her arms. “Well, that’s noteverything. What about keeping her relationship a secret so she could announce it to everyone? That takes the attention off the reason why we’re here.”

Gabby was the next to come to Becca’s defense. “To be fair, you did the same thing with your engagement. And then again when you told everyone about the breakup.” Her words were quiet, as if it were painful for her to bring this up.

Tina’s face burst with color, though not embarrassment. The fury in her eyes was even more apparent. “Well, what about her badmouthing Katrina on that forum?”

Everyone went quiet. This must have been her Hail Mary for blaming Becca. During the lull of the argument, Tina hurried to continue.

“I told you guys that I found a thread on that website about bridezillas. And there’s a lot that sounds just like what ishappening here. It’s a remote wedding for some of us. We’re all expected to participate in summer-long events. Sure sounds like our situation.”

“Hold up, now!” Ethan burst forward, not even realizing he’d curled his hands into fists. He stepped between Tina and Becca. “You’re out of line.”

Tina lifted her chin and scowled at him. “Or maybe you’re just trying to cover it up.”