“Don’t forget the first time you find out you’re expecting,” Emily chimed in. Her knowing smile gave Becca pause. No one elseseemed to notice, but it looked like she’d already experienced that one.

“I guess you guys are right. There’s a world of opportunity out there for Simon and me. I just have to figure out what it is.” Katrina turned to Tina. “Did you call Max and tell him that you don’t have to walk down the aisle with another guy anymore? What did he think?”

Tina’s flat expression was enough to cause another wave of laughter among the women at the table. “I didn’t tell him anything. Besides, I’m trying to get him to agree to coming for the wedding. If he does, then the two of us will walk the dog down the aisle.”

“It doesn’t work that way.” Emily chuckled. She was one of the in-laws. “Only a certain number of people are permitted to be in the bridal party. They don’t have room for another groomsman.”

“But—” Tina started until Katrina cut her off.

“It’s okay. If your fiancé can come, I’m happy to let him walk you down the aisle before hereallygets to do it.” She reached out and squeezed Tina’s hand, though Tina didn’t seem to fully appreciate what Katrina was doing for her. Katrina’s gaze scanned the group. “I’m so glad you were all able to come for the summer. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have your help. The wedding has taken on some different forms over the last few weeks, but now that we know what we’re doing, I feel like there’s so much less to be worried about.”

The majority of the girls nodded and smiled at their host. All except Tina, who seemed to be in a never-ending sulk.

It served her right. Karma could really do a number on someone when they had devious plans in place. Becca would continuekeeping an eye on that one. So far, her plan was going okay. It seemed like Katrina was finally accepting that she wasn’t going to be able to influence Becca’s relationship with Ethan.

Tina wasn’t going to thwart it.

And in the end, everything would fizzle out like it should.

Becca took another bite of the creamy dessert and allowed the sweet taste to melt in her mouth. What had started out as a rocky beginning was quickly turning into smooth sailing.

There was only one problem she could see on the horizon.

Ethan was a cowboy.

That wouldn’t be such a big problem if he didn’t plan on spending time with her—with or without the urging of his uncle.

But he actually enjoyed going riding or spending time in the musty stable. Becca was a city girl. She didn’t know the first thing about horses or how to act around them, and she certainly didn’t want anything to do with getting on their backs.

She sighed.

Perhaps she could convince him that their time would be better spent speaking in whispers as they walked side-by-side throughout the property.

A girl could hope.


There wasa nip in the air and the scent of mint and lavender hung heavily around him. Ethan clicked his tongue and urged the horse he was working with to shift from a trot into a canter. Dew clung to the grass surrounding the corral he worked in, and the sun wasn’t quite over the edge of the mountain range in the distance.

Peace. That’s what this was.

Ethan could escape from the world during the early morning hours. The only other people to get up this early were those who preferred to work in the cooler temperatures. The fields had to be worked, the cattle had to be moved, the horses had to be run through their paces, and the list went on.

At Sagebrush Ranch, everyone had a job to do, and no one bothered the others. It was one of the reasons Ethan loved working for his uncle. He got to escape from everything he was frustrated with in the city.

With every job he applied for, they eventually found out about his severe dyslexia and either went with another applicantor refused to promote him. But here? Well, Ethan was only responsible for hands-on work with the animals.

Life was simpler on the ranch.

He couldn’t wait until he could find a place of his own. He’d already started looking for a property where he could start building a new life for his mother, his sister, and himself. He knew better than to think he could find a turn-key property. Even if all three of them pooled their money, they wouldn’t have enough.

Ethan wouldn’t be discouraged, though. It was only a matter of time before he got everything he wanted.

He clicked his tongue again, signaling for the horse to slow down for her cool-off.

The distinct sound of footsteps caught his attention, but he didn’t turn. It was probably one of the other wranglers who was getting to work this morning. But when the steps stopped nearby rather than heading in the direction of the barn, he glanced over his shoulder.

Eyes widening, he turned to face Becca fully. She wasn’t looking at him, but rather eyeing the horse like she expected it to grow wings and launch right over the corral fence. When her eyes shifted to meet his, he moved a little closer.