That was probably because Tina had been the one messaging Ethan. And if the show Becca had put on with Ethan wasn’t a lie, that meant he’d been playing Tina. The tables had been turned, and Becca couldn’t help but wonder what was going through that woman’s head.

She grinned. “I don’t know what Tina would be so jealous about. She’s got Max.”

“I know, right? It’s weird.” Katrina shrugged. “I guess that’s just how some people are, though. They don’t want anyone else to be happy or outshine them.”

Becca nearly asked Katrina why she was friends with Tina. The woman was poison. The fact that they had formed a friendship was beyond Becca’s comprehension. Katrina was a good person and Tina… well, she wasn’t.

Katrina moved to the doorway and stopped. She faced Becca once more. “By the way, all the bridesmaids who are in town are going to the Steer House for drinks and gossip tomorrow after lunch. You’d better be there.”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

Becca chosethe seat in the corner of the booth—specifically the one that would make her appear invisible. It wasn’t her usual choice. Normally, she was right there in the middle of everything, but after what happened with Ethan last night, she didn’t want any of the attention on her whatsoever.

They hadn’t managed to touch base this morning. That would be problematic because now they were on their own today, having to answer questions that would most definitely be thrown their way.

The second Tina had caught her eye, Becca knew she wouldn’t get off easy. The woman was a predator and there was blood in the water.

Katrina lifted a glass and grinned at Becca, then let her focus sweep through the group. “Congratulations are in order. Theonly two single women I know are finally finding love of their own!”

Tina beamed as the girls let out their whoops. Then her dark eyes shifted to Becca. It was brief, but a noticeable chill shook along Becca’s spine. She crossed her arms after putting her glass back on the table. “Congratulations are in order for Tina. Like I said last night, we’re not at that stage yet.”

“Nonsense!” Katrina admonished. “I’m not some bridezilla who cares that you guys are finding your happiness right now. I’m excited for both of you. I want all my friends to find love just like I did.”

Thankfully, the conversation shifted to wedding plans for a while. Then Gabrielle, who had been seated across from Becca, got up to head to the restroom. Within seconds, Tina took her seat.

The chair’s wooden legs screeched across the restaurant tile, and she grinned like the wicked witch herself. “So… when did you two first get together?”

Becca pressed her lips together, more to prevent herself from spewing hatred at the woman in front of her than for any other reason.

Tina lifted her left hand as if to study her nails, but Becca knew better. She was showing off her ring. Well, the joke was on her, Becca couldn’t care less about the engagement. It served her right that she had to share the spotlight with someone else. If nothing else, that reason was the best one for what Becca had roped herself into.

“Well? When did it start? Because from what I remember, you’re a local Utahn.”

“So are you,” Becca shot back.

“Yeah, and I met him at the engagement party.”

“So did I.”

Tina frowned. It was as if she’d realized anything she said first could then be used by Becca. Her lips pressed into a thin line. “Have you met his family? He’sveryclose to them.”

Becca tilted her head and her eyes narrowed. A few of those sitting nearby glanced in her direction then at Tina. “How would you know?”

The woman before her stiffened then squirmed in her seat. “Well, when we were paired up at that engagement party, I made it a point to chat him up. But this isn’t about me. This is about you, and you clearly don’t know anything about him. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be deflecting.”

“Oh! That’s right. Becca, you’re not paired up with Ethan. I forgot about that.” Katrina leaned over the table, stealing everyone’s attention.

“It’s really not a big deal, I don’t want to cause any trouble?—”

“It’s no trouble at all! We can fix it.” Katrina turned to her maid of honor. “Brianne, it’s not too late to change that, is it? We can shuffle the girls around, right?”

Brianne’s eyes shifted to Becca, and she grinned. “Are you sure Ethan wants that? Wouldn’t he have mentioned something sooner?”

Katrina sliced a hand through the air. “Meh, he doesn’t like to share his personal life with me. I’m not surprised he kept this one a secret.”

“But I thought Ethan was walking with me.” Tina’s voice had turned into a full-out whine. “Max has already come to terms with it. I don’t think he’ll approve if I have to change things last minute.”

Becca could have laughed out loud at the strange looks Tina got. If anything, she looked crazier than before.