“Hey! I resent that,” Angela cut in.

They all laughed but Ethan grew serious. He glanced from the others up to Becca. “Well, what if we made it official?”

Everyone seemed to stop mid-laugh and Becca’s whole body froze. She gaped at Ethan. They’d already agreed they weren’t going to tell anyone of their plans. What did he think he was doing?

Her eyes shot over to Angela, who had a smirk on her face. Rose didn’t look surprised at all.

Maybe everyone already knew what was coming. That was the only reasonable explanation.

Ethan reached for her hand and brought it to his lips, brushing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “I don’t want to wait anymore. I’m an impatient man and I’ve waited long enough. I think we should get married.”

She lowered her voice as she settled back into her seat. “I already told you yes,” she whispered.

“I mean now. I want to get married as soon as we can put everything together. I’m sure Katrina and Simon have plenty of tips what with the party they put on. What do you say?”

Becca let out a sharp laugh. “You’re serious.”

“I would never joke about something like this, Becca. You’re the woman who holds the key to my heart and I don’t plan on ever taking it back.”

For the briefest of moments, she hesitated. But what did she have to be worried about? They’d already come full circle. There wasn’t a single group of people she loved more. Marrying Ethan would be her biggest adventure to date, and she couldn’t wait for it to begin.

“Yes!” she whispered. “Let’s get married now.”

Rose let out a cheer. “Finally. All that pretending to be sneaky was really getting annoying.”

Ethan shot his sister a disgruntled look, but Becca could still see the adoration for her in his eyes.

“Will you be getting married at Sagebrush?” Rose asked as she picked up her fork. “Katrina’s wedding was beautiful.”

“I don’t know, maybe. There’s a lot going on right now. Our cousins are revamping some of the services they offer, and they need to hire a few people.”

“Really? Who are they going to get? Aren’t most of the people around here already taken?”

Ethan shrugged. “I think I heard Bo say something about Mike Anderson coming back to town.”

Rose blinked several times. “Mike? As intheMike?”

Becca glanced over to Ethan. “Who’s Mike?”

“Oh, he was Ethan’s best friend when we’d come up here to spend our summers at Sagebrush. His family owns a farm closer to town.”

“His grandfather recently passed away,” Ethan explained.

“Otis passed away? That’s terrible,” Angela frowned. “The Andersons were such nice folks.”

“They definitely were, Mom.” Ethan turned his head and gave Rose a pointed look. “If I were you, I’d steer clear of him. You remember what happened when we were in high school.”

She rolled her eyes. “That was high school, Ethan. He might have changed, you never know.”

“What happened in high school?” Becca questioned.

Ethan shook his head. “He just got in with the wrong crowd, that’s all. And guys like that don’t tend to hang around for long. They take what they want and then they leave. I don’t know if they’re going to hire him, but just do what I ask, okay?”

This was directed at Rose, who didn’t respond.

The temperature in the room dropped a little. The tension was so thick that Becca had to do something. She leaned in close and kissed Ethan’s temple.

“I’m gonna get that ice and maybe some of the lemonade I saw in the fridge. What do you say, old man, want something sweet to go with this delicious meal?”