Ethan pushed open the door and stared outside. His whole world had been turned upside down in an instant. All it had taken was for two women to discuss a romance novel for him to realize he might actually have a chance with this girl.

His heart thundered as the reality hit him hard in the chest.

Tina was wrong. She had to be. The story Katrina had just told happened to Becca in real life. Not only had it been an actual event, the sweet cowboy she’d written about was him.

Ethan was Becca’s perfect fantasy. That had to be it. Why else would she write a love story with him in it?

“What are you grinning at?”

Ethan jumped, nearly letting out a yelp as Bo strode past him. His cousin paused only long enough to give Ethan a strange look.

“Everything okay?”

“Better,” Ethan murmured. “Today’s a good day.”

Still, Bo stared at him. His eyes flicked over to the half-cleaned stall then back. “Because? Please tell me you’re not actually enjoying cleaning out those stalls.”

Ethan chuckled. It felt good to laugh again. He shrugged. “I guess I’m just looking forward to when I can get off work and make a few phone calls.”

“You know I’m not going to be bothered if you make calls while you’re working. As long as it gets done, I’m happy.” Bo moved past him and headed into the stall with the lovable horse. “That being said, I thought you’d be done by now so I could ask you to come with me out to the south fence. I heard it needs repairs.”

“Oh, I can go.”

Bo lifted a single brow and leaned to the side so he could get a good look at the stall. “Doesn’t seem like you’re ready, and I’m heading out in ten.”

“I’ll be ready,” Ethan assured him.

For the first time since he had moved up to Rocky Ridge, he was up for some company. Granted, visiting with Simon would have been his first choice seeing as the guy was closer in age and he had a connection via Katrina to Becca. But at this point, Ethan was just thrilled he could ask the guy some questions about his own relationship.

Twelve minutes later, both of them were on their way south. Bo’s demeanor was all business. He stared straight ahead for most of the ride, but every so often he’d take stock of their surroundings.

Ethan moved closer, and the moment they were riding side by side, he lost his nerve. Then again, maybe he could blame his sudden feeling of being tongue-tied on the fact that he didn’t know exactly what he wanted to ask Bo. The guy had already been married to Gabby when Ethan arrived, and they’d never been close even when they were younger.

There was only one thing he could think to ask. “How did you know she loved you?”

Bo shot Ethan a confused expression. “Who? Gabby?”

Ethan swallowed hard and nodded. “It’s easy to know when you’re in love with someone. The feelings are there. Your thoughts don’t leave you alone. She haunts your dreams…”

Bo laughed. “Haunts? I wouldn’t say Gabby haunted my dreams. But she did consume my thoughts, so maybe that’s what you’re talking about.”

“Pretty close.”

He rubbed his jawline. “You know, I don’t think I ever really knew she loved me until she said yes.”

Chills swept through Ethan’s body. “When you proposed?”

“Yep. Because then she was actually agreeing to be with me for the long haul. A woman doesn’t do that unless she really loves a guy.” He peeked at Ethan out of the corner of his eye. “I’m guessing you’re asking me this question for a reason. Could that reason be a certain someone who is no longer staying with us?”

“I suppose it is.”

“I see.”

They continued their ride in silence. Bo’s answer wasn’t satisfying enough. A good several minutes passed before Ethan finally spoke again.

“So, there’s nothing else? Gabby didn’t do or say anything that made you really believe she was head over heels for you? There has to be something.”

“Nope, there doesn’t.”