Surprisingly, she’d found something she didn’t want to escape from. The more time she spent with Ethan, the more she wanted to be with him in a way that wasn’t just pretend.

But he’d never go for that—not in the way she wanted. Ethan had a knack for moving from one woman to the next. The only reason she’d even come up with this idea was to thwart Tina’s plans.

It was never meant to go this far.

“Are you still interested in going for that ride? I know the perfect place where we could record the speech. No one would interrupt us out there.”

She peeked at him, and the grin still remained on her lips. “You know what? I think that’s the best idea you’ve had all day.”

Ethan led her once again to the horse’s side. They remained connected, her left hand in his right, and he held onto her firmly, steadying her as she climbed into the saddle. Then he lingered. Their eyes locked in a way she wasn’t prepared for. She could almost believe he had her same hopes and dreams. She could almost convince herself that Ethan was ready for something more with someone like her.

There were just a few things that held her heart back.

Without a very specific conversation, she couldn’t be sure of what he might want after Katrina’s wedding.

She tugged her hand out of his and accepted the reins from his hands. When she turned her horse around, her body reacted much like she had expected it to.

Heart hammered. Stomach flipped. Hands shook.

Maybe these weren’t reactions to the horse. The longer she let her eyes linger on him, the more she allowed herself to consider the possibility that these physical reactions had more to do with the cowboy she was quickly growing fond of.

They took a trail that had nearly grown over. It didn’t look as though it had been used recently. Those who worked for the Reese family wouldn’t come looking for them down this trail—a fact that both thrilled and terrified Becca.

When they arrived at a clearing, she glanced down around the side her of horse. There was no way she wanted a repeat of what had happened last time. Besides, Ethan was a good couple yardsaway from her. If she got stuck, she wouldn’t be falling into a handsome cowboy’s arms, she’d be falling face-first into the dirt.

She’d just have to be careful.

Ethan climbed down from his horse first. He made it look so easy. Somehow, she knew it wouldn’t matter how much she observed or tried to learn from him, she’d still end up falling, tripping, or simply making a fool out of herself.

He tossed the reins over the back of his horse and glanced in her direction, a wry smile touching his lips. “You realize we’re going to be sitting down here, right? I think it’ll be easier than doing this in the saddle. Besides, you’re already going to be walking funny with how much we’ve been riding.”

Her mouth fell open. “I will not be walking funny. We only went for a twenty-minute ride. I assure you, I’m gonna be just fine.”

Becca moved to pull her leg from the stirrup and just as before, it snagged, causing her to land in her saddle with a surprised thump.

Chuckling, Ethan moved over to her and held up his hands. “Here, let me help you.”

“I can do it myself.”

“I’m sure you can. But I’d rather Katrina not have a bridesmaid with a black eye. No wonder you said you didn’t like riding.”

“I said I didn’t like horses. That’s very different.”

“Will you just put your hands on my shoulders so I can get you off that horse?”

The humor in his voice did something to her. It was warm and inviting, and she could almost imagine what it would be like to spend the rest of her life with a guy like him.

More surprising, shewantedto spend her life with a guy like him. Without understanding her own intentions, she placed her hands on his shoulders and used him as leverage to get her one foot free. He lifted her from the saddle and placed her on her feet as effortlessly as if she weighed no more than a rag doll.

Becca stared up at him, locking her gaze with his. Once again, she found herself in the throes of a fantasy. They weren’t really dating, but she wanted to be with him that way. The consequences were something of an afterthought.

Ethan’s dark blue eyes swirled with something she would never be able to find the words for. These weren’t the eyes of some guy she might meet on the side of the street. These were the eyes of a guy who had depth. They were the kind eyes of a man who would give everything to the people he loved.

A flutter of anticipation hovered deep in her throat. Her breathing had shallowed. She couldn’t find the motivation to move from him, her hands still resting on his shoulders. The distinct warmth from his touch at her waist only contributed to the confusion she felt inside. A normal person wouldn’t allow herself to succumb to these emotions, right?

The part of her that should have cared tossed that care aside. She tilted her chin upward, inviting him closer. Ethan could be a lot of things, but he wasn’t blind. In less time than it took her to blink, his lips captured hers.

A thrill wrapped around her, constricting her insides, making it hard to breathe. She clung to him tighter, giving him a part ofherself she’d thought she’d locked away a long time ago. Sparks of excitement blinded her, fueling the magic of their first kiss, locking their hearts together in such a way neither of them would have the desire to be set free.