
Ethan nodded toward the sidewalk. “How much did you see the last time you were here? Is there anything you wished you would have done?”

“Katrina took me around town. I think I have a pretty good idea about what’s here. What if we get a treat and then go for a walk? Or we could go for a ride.”

He gave her a look. “You want to go for a ride? What happened to being scared?”

“I told you, I’m not scared?—”

“Right. You’d just rather keep your feet on the ground.”


Ethan chuckled. “You realize that going for a ride means putting your feet into stirrups, right? I don’t think we have any miniature ponies around.”

She shoved his shoulder playfully. “Iknowthat. It’s just that the last time we almost went for a ride, Buttercup tried to eat me and then the gate was left open. We didn’t exactly get a chance to go out.”

He gave her a disbelieving look. “And you want to try again.”

“Sure. Why not?”

Ethan shook his head with another chuckle. “I just figured the only way I’d get you in a saddle would be if I slung you over my shoulder and took you kicking and screaming.”

“Well, maybe I’ve been spending enough time watching you and all the other cowboys go riding that I realized I’m missing out.”

He studied her, finding her even more beautiful with each passing second. There was no denying it now. This pretend relationship had shifted into the start of something new and exciting. It was what he’d hoped would have developed between himself and Tina had she not turned out to be such a liar.

“Yeah, sure,” he murmured. “Let’s grab a treat at the bakery to go and I’ll take you out for a ride.” He expected her to release his hand as they started down the street and was pleasantly surprised when she didn’t. Instead, she kept her hand in his—and then she leaned into him.

It was almost like they were a real couple. It was getting harder and harder to draw a distinct line in the sand to separate reality from fiction.

Ethan peeredup at Becca as she got situated in her saddle. He held the reins, ensuring that the horse wouldn’t move while she found her footing. Despite being the one to recommend this particular activity, she wasn’t nearly confident enough once she was seated.

One hand wrapped tight around the saddle horn, fingers turning white with the pressure. Her face had paled but she was doing an excellent job of making it look like she was okay. If there was one thing about Becca that he could appreciate in this moment it was the fact that she wasn’t a good liar. Tina could have told him her father was president and not batted an eye. But Becca wore her emotions where everyone could see them.

Funny how when she’d told him to pretend to be her boyfriend, she had seemed far more sure of herself. Did that say something about what she might want?

His eyes narrowed but it did nothing to help him read her. All he could see was her immediate unease about riding.

“You’re going to have to slow your heart rate if you want this ride to go well.”

Her eyes darted down to meet his. “I beg your pardon?”

“Buttercup can sense that you’re not happy about going for a ride. She’s starting to get skittish.”

“Well, I’m skittish.”

“Then why did you ask to go riding?”

She heaved a sigh that morphed into a groan. “I don’t know. I saw you guys all going riding and you all made it look so easy that I thought I needed to stop being a chicken.”

He laughed. “We make it look easy because we practically live in the saddle.”

If anything, the fear in her expression worsened. “You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking. This isn’t like my stories. I can’t just get up here and be a natural. I need to get down. Help me down.”

“Now, hold on a minute. I didn’t say you should give up. I said you need to calm your heart rate.” He pried her hand from the saddle and gave it a squeeze. “Take a deep breath. In and out. Good. Now, close your eyes.”

Ethan waited for her to do just that. He smiled.