The only one who didn’t stand up was Tina.

“Psst, Tina. Let’s go.” Katrina murmured. “I need your help.”

“No, you don’t.”

Becca got to her feet. “That’s okay. I’ll help.”

One sharp look from Katrina had Becca slowly sitting down again. Her friend grabbed Tina around her upper arm and dragged her from her seat. “We’ll be back,” she sang.

Ethan’s eyes followed the women as they wove through the restaurant and finally disappeared out the front door. Then he turned his focus to Becca.

She shook her head. “I’m sorry. This is really all my fault. I can’t believe this is getting so out of hand.”

“Tell me about it.” Ethan sighed. He pulled out a chair and sat in front of her. “Eli officially gave me the night off. He never does that. It almost felt like he was firing me. Everyone believes we’re a couple.”

Becca glanced toward the door, half-expecting the girls to return. She leaned forward and spoke with a quiet voice. “What do you think we should do?”

“We have to end it,” he said simply. “That’s the only way.”

She shook her head. “If we pretend to break up, that’s just going to cause more drama. We can’t kill the wedding vibe.”

“What about a falling out? We could say that we realized after being together in person that we just don’t have chemistry.”

Once again, Becca shook her head. “And risk Katrina trying to play matchmaker? She already rearranged the wedding party. You and I are going to walk down the aisle instead of you and Tina.”

He heaved a sigh of relief, and she couldn’t help but snicker. When he grinned at her, she quickly hid her smile.

“We have to keep this going until the wedding is over and make sure it’s believable so they don’t focus on us. Tina is already suspicious.”

“She is?”

Becca immediately noticed his sudden interest.

“Do you think she’s jealous?”

And just like that, his words left a bitter taste in her mouth. Was he still interested in her even though he knew she was engaged? That was disgusting.

“I don’t care how she’s feeling. What I do care about is Katrina. Her wedding is supposed to be perfect, and we’ve already created a fuss. I should be toasting to Katrina’s future with Simon, not getting drinks with her cousin.” With a huff, Becca sat back once more.

A heroine in one of her romance novels would never be so weak as to get herself in this predicament. Still, it wasn’t like Becca thought of herself as a heroine of her own love story. She was the furthest thing from that. Not even her own family cared about her. On top of that, every relationship she’d had in the past had ended, and not by her own doing.

Her eyes flitted up to see Ethan watching her with curiosity. He definitely had potential as a romantic interest. He was the playboy prince, oozing charm from every pore. Even his confidence was shining through now that the initial shock had worn off. And the cherry on top?

Ethan was so sexy.

A plate was placed in front of her, dragging her focus from Ethan. She jumped and stared at the waitress. Her name tag read ‘Lacey.’

She smiled and nodded to the cheesecake. “Enjoy.”

Ethan waved her down before she left. “We didn’t order anything.”

She grinned mischievously. “It’s on the house.”

“But—” he started, but Lacey held up her hand.

“Oh, and I almost forgot. What would you like to drink? Don’t worry, it’s on the house, too.”

Movement in a nearby window caught Becca’s attention and she glanced over to find Katrina surrounded by her bridesmaids.