Page 53 of The Wrong Guy

“We are working on it,” my dad finally states. “In the meantime, you are to follow the rules and not get involved.”

“What happened to the man in the car?” I ask before we leave.

My father smirks mirthlessly. “It is being dealt with.”

“Was he a threat?”

“I wouldn’t say a threat. He was more of a bug on the bottom of my shoe. Don’t worry. He’s not going to be a bother anymore.”

We are driving backto my place, and Andreas is chattier now than he was.

“Does my sister know? Does my sister know any of this?”

I shake my head. “No, she doesn’t. I didn’t know how to tell someone so innocent there is a price tag on her head and that someone is trying to kill her while she was laying in a hospital bed.”

“Who do you think is trying to do this?” Andreas turns on his turn signal to switch lanes.

“Honestly, I think it has something to do with Derek. I think someone’s trying to kill her to get the money.”

“I can’t believe this. All of this. This kind of fucking bull shit doesn’t just happen, Stav. And my sister is now brought into the middle of this? I’m not. No! Absolutely not.”

“I’m keeping Audrina safe. She’s safe with me.”

He gets over to another lane and then speeds up a little. “You don’t understand Audrina. This kind of shit is going to scare her and she’s going to run. You gotta let her go.”

“Fuck off, bro.”

“She’s too innocent for a life like this. She doesn’t know how to be in this life. I can’t believe you don’t see that.”

“I can’t believe you would imply I wouldn’t know how to care for a woman.”

“Fuck you, dude. I have seen you fuck women and leave them behind. What have you done that could ensure me you wouldn’t do that to my sister?”

“How about the fact that I moved her in with me? Or how about the fact that I went back to my family I left all of those years ago because I wanted to go straight? You can judge me all you want but you don’t know the first thing about what it is like to be in my life,” I spit with finality.

I’m done talking. I’m done convincing someone who doesn’t know what my childhood was like that I’m one of the good guys. All he can see is that I’m mobbed up.

I’m not mobbed up. I’m using family ties to help keep his sister safe and he doesn’t even see it.

Chapter Thirty


The longer I’m at his home without him, the longer I wonder what I’m doing here.

I hear the click from the door and then the door opens showing me Stavros. I’m in the foyer playing on my phone and trying to get my nerves under control.

Stavros looks at me and quickly shucks out of clothes.

“We need to talk,” I state.

He nods. “I’m sure we do.” He’s stalking towards me and lifts my shirt off of my body. “But I don’t want to talk now.”

He lifts me out of the seat and starts stripping me out of my clothes. He does it quickly and gracefully leaving me naked in the foyer. He grips my ass cheeks in his hands to help me climb up him. I wrap my legs around his waist while relishing the feel of his hard erection bobbing against my ass.

It is hard to believe that whatever this relationship is has only been going on for a week. It feels longer.

He lays me on the kitchen table and pushes my shoulders back for me to lay down. He’s on his knees in front of my sex and I feel embarrassed suddenly. I’m so exposed to a man I don’t know at all.