Page 3 of The Wrong Guy

“Fifty bucks, I get this in the hole,” I wager.

Drew rolls his eyes at me but doesn’t back down from my bet. We’ve been challenging each other since we were roommates at Dartmouth.

“You’re on.”

Chapter Three


What exactly does someone wear to meet a divorce attorney? Is there some dress code I’m supposed to follow before meeting a divorce attorney?

Before meeting Andreas at the law firm, I did research on Stavros. The man is handsome and looks like he’s good at his job. In the pictures I saw of him, he is wearing a tailored suit and is always with some beautiful women. I’m not sure if the beautiful women are his clients or if they are his women.

If he only represents good-looking women, what will happen to me? I do not have the kind of money that is needed to keep him on retainer. I also don’t have the kind of money that is required to keep him on my side. What if Derek dumps his attorney and comes for mine?

“There is no way I’m going to be able to pay him,” I mutter again as I follow my brother through the office.

If Andreas weren’t my brother, I would think he was pretty perfect-looking. He’s got this way about him that makes the ladies want to spend time with him. Andreas and I are twins, and I’m five minutes younger than him. We both share the same dark hair, olive-skinned features, and green eyes.

Where my exercise consists of doing yoga and Pilates, Andreas is all about contact sports and high-energy sports.

I’m looking down at my dress, which I had dug out from the back of my closet, and shoes that are a little higher than I would like. I hope I look okay for this. I have never been to see a divorce attorney before.

I’m shaking as I hover my hand over the suite door. I see the law firm’s name on it, and I feel sick to my stomach. I know I need to be here and get some answers or guidance on how to do this with my soon-to-be ex-husband, but I’m apprehensive.

Andreas pushes the door open, and I’m met with a cream-colored room with gold accents. Honestly, I’m unsure what I should have expected in the building. I never visited Andreas at the office because I had no reason to. Andreas wanted to remain professional as much as possible.

A lady is perched at the desk with gorgeous blonde hair and a knowing smile. Is she smiling at me? I’m almost about to look around to see if she is when my eyes catch the direction of her smile.

She’s smiling at Andreas!

Andreas has always been a lothario. It has been a joke in our family about how much play he gets. I have tried to warn Andreas about slowing down with the number of women he sees, but he doesn’t listen.

“Katie,” he greets the woman. The woman’s smile deepens, looking at me up and down as if I’m a threat.

I almost want to giggle. We’re fraternal twins, but the resemblance is pretty noticeable. My dimples are on both cheeks, while Andreas’s dimple is on his chin. Where I’m left-handed, he’s right-handed. Other than that, we are pretty identical.

“Who’s this?” Katie’s venom thickens around me.

“This is my sister. She has an appointment with Stavros.”

I want to punch him in the stomach. How dare he call me out like this? I don’t want Katie to know about my ending marriage. I don’t want anyone to know I’m being left. I don’t want anyone to know I’m being left for a woman who practically just got out of high school and probably still has a curfew.

With the mystery solved, she thawed instantly and smiled brightly at me. “I will let Mr. Bilias know you’re here!”

Andreas points to one of the overstuffed seats waiting for use in the corner next to the big bay windows. The windows overlook the city and seem to make the city look beautiful.

Having grown up in the city and the rural sides of Connecticut, I sometimes take advantage of the city's beauty. Sometimes, I forget when the city’s luxury opens before us to enjoy.

Derek and my relationship didn’t have a lot of dates, and going out to these fancy restaurants didn’t happen very much. I also thought getting dressed and going to one of these places would be considered romantic, but Derek never wanted to spend the extra money on me.

Now that I’m reflecting on our marriage, I see that should have been a red flag.

Katie appears in front of us with her hand directed towards a big wooden door. “He’s ready for you now.”

Andreas walks me into the office, and my mouth falls.

The intimidating office is more extensive than my apartment, and I’m hit with the smell of masculinity and power the minute I step in.