Page 17 of The Royal Princess

"Home," Eloise echoed softly, her heart swelling at the thought of the life that awaited them here.

Bernard parked the car and turned to face her, his expression earnest and full of hope. "Eloise, I promise to stand by you, to support your dreams, to be your partner in all things."

"And I you," Eloise responded, her voice steady despite the fluttering in her chest. "I believe in us, Bernard—in the good we can do, and the joy we can share."

They leaned into each other, their lips meeting in a kiss that was soft as the whisper of silk, lingering like the memory of a perfect day.

"Come," Bernard said, offering his hand with a playful flourish that made Eloise giggle. "This is the palace of the sovereign of the land, and though we won’t live here, we will visit often."

With a nod, Eloise placed her hand in his. Together, they stepped into the palace—and into the future they would forge as one.

The hushed corridors of the palace were a stark contrast to the vibrant emotions that danced through Eloise's heart.

"Your room is just here," Bernard murmured, guiding her toward a door adorned with intricate carvings that spoke of careful craftsmanship and royal heritage. "Near my cousins, in case you need anything during the night."

"Thank you," Eloise replied, her voice soft yet suffused with warmth. "But I suspect this castle's thick walls will keep even the slightest peep at bay."

"True," he chuckled, his laughter a melodious sound that seemed to make the very air around them shimmer with mirth. "These walls have seen centuries of whispers and still kept their counsel."

"Then let's hope they'll be kind to our new beginnings," she said, a playful twinkle in her eye as she took in her surroundings with an appreciative gaze.

"I'll see you at breakfast," Bernard promised, his hand lingering on the doorknob, reluctant to part ways. "Sleep well, Eloise."

"Sweet dreams, Bernard," she returned, her smile feeling like a sunbeam in the dimly lit hallway.

With a final glance that held promises of tomorrow, they retreated to their separate rooms, the echo of their footsteps a duet that faded into silence.

MORNING LIGHT SPILLED through the high windows, casting golden patterns on the breakfast table set for royalty. The scent of fresh pastries mingled with the lively chatter of Bernard's family, who had gathered in a bright, airy room that looked out onto gardens manicured into perfection.

"Good morning," Bernard greeted as he entered, his presence commanding yet wholly approachable. "I'd like you all to meet someone very special—Eloise."

As Eloise stepped forward, a warm flush bloomed across her cheeks. Her eyes met those of the prince's relatives. Some faces were familiar from official portraits, while others felt like friends she had yet to know. Each carried the unmistakable mark of shared lineage, a tapestry of history and duty woven into their bearing.

"Charmed," eloquently expressed Princess Annabelle, her gaze appraising yet kind.

"An absolute pleasure," chimed in Prince Frederick, the youngest of King Phillip’s children.

"Ah, the famous Eloise," Princess Maria intoned with an air of mock solemnity, before breaking into a genuine, warm grin. "We've been looking forward to meeting the woman who has captured our dear cousin's heart."

Eloise's laughter, light and unburdened, filled the room as she exchanged pleasantries.

"Seems we've all known you long before today," Princess Catherine, the heir to the throne, observed.

"Perhaps it's because Eloise fits right in with us," Bernard suggested, pride evident in his stance as he stood by her side.

"Or perhaps it's because your stories have preceded you," added Prince Frederick, winking conspiratorially over a sip of his coffee.

"Only the good ones, I hope," Eloise quipped back, her eyes dancing with laughter.

"Only the best," Bernard assured her, his hand finding hers under the table, their fingers intertwining as if they had never existed apart.

As they settled into the rhythm of familial camaraderie, Eloise knew she was exactly where she was meant to be—in a palace awakening to new possibilities, surrounded by those who would become not just allies, but friends. And at the center of it all was Bernard, her partner in both dream and deed.

Eloise trailed her fingers over the ancient ivy that clung to the stone walls of the garden, her other hand securely held by Bernard as they meandered through the hedges.

"Legend has it," Bernard began, his voice taking on a conspiratorial whisper, "that every rose in this garden represents a love story from our past." He plucked a petal, twirling it between his fingers before letting it flutter to the ground.

"Then the grounds must be awash with romance," Eloise replied with a soft chuckle, imagining the countless tales each blossom might tell.