“He’s lying low. He got wind that he’s being indicted on trumped-up charges for something they think he’s involved in.”

“They think he is involved in or was involved in, and they’re trying to prove it?” I ask, sipping my coffee. I’m awake now.

“No, he wasn’t there. It was me. It had to do with that house that got broken up last year for the druggies.” Luka sighs. “So he’s out of commission at least for two to three months, if not more.”

“Okay, well, keep him laying low and try to clear his name as soon as you can so he can come back. It’s that simple,” I say. “Is that all you woke me up for?”

“I thought you’d want to know. Danil said to come straight here and tell you,” Luka says, holding his hands up. Hepours himself some coffee. “I’m no more happy than you are about being awake.”

I sigh. “Well, since I am, I might as well get some work done. The detectives have been following me around again. Perhaps it would be best if I start working more from here at home.”

I sit back and look out the window. “Someone is definitely targeting our family.”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking,” Luka says. “But who?”

Chapter 18 - Penny

I wait patiently in the living room for Asher to arrive. We are going to lunch today to discuss a few things about the baby and the wedding. I’m excited because at six months pregnant, I’m showing, and it’s becoming more real for me.

My phone goes off with a text from Asher asking if she can meet me downtown at the restaurant because she’s running late. I confirm it’s no problem and get up to head outside to where Leon is. “Change of plans. We’re going to meet Asher there.”

“Not a problem.” He walks me to the car and opens the back door for me. “I am to remain behind and wait for Mr. Luka, but our new guard, Peter, will escort you there.”

From the front seat, a young man turns around and nods to me. Leon smiles. “Enjoy.”

He shuts the door, and the driver starts the car, navigating down the drive and into traffic. I sit back and stroke my belly lightly. I’ve pretty much settled into my life, well, my new life, that is. Kervyn and I have developed a routine where we spend time with each other, though we haven’t had sex again since the car.

He’s scared he’ll show that I’m a weakness, and while I find that endearing, I also find it frustrating. If I look at this as a business transaction, I need to make my presence known and show I can hold my own.

Instead, he’s hiding me away constantly. I’m planning our wedding and haven’t even met his mother yet. It’s almost as though he’s treating me like a fragile flower that cannot do anything.

Peter drops me in front of the restaurant and stands beside me as we wait.

“Penny!” Asher calls from across the road. She waits for the traffic light to change to a green man before she dashes across with a smile. “Sorry I’m late, work ran over.”

“You know. I’ve never asked you what you do that has such flexible hours. What do you do?” I ask, hooking our arms together and leading her into the restaurant to the hostess. “Table for two, please. Milov.”

The hostess smiles and leads us to the VIP section. Asher is about to explain her job to me when someone bumps shoulder-first into me. “Ow.” I cry out, touching my arm.

I look at the person in question and retreat slightly. It’s Carmen.

“Pen?” she asks sarcastically. “Pen, where have you been? You don’t get a promotion, and you just ditch work?”

Asher is about to say something, but I squeeze her hand. Carmen smiles and steps forward. “Ah, I see. Got yourself knocked up? Deadbeat guy, I bet. Now, my fiance…” She holds out her hand and shows off a ring with a multitude of diamonds. “Tom likes to spoil me. He knows what I’m worth. Just like the company knew who was worth more when it was time for the promotion.” She gives me a dazzling white smile.

I fight back the tears that are threatening to surface. “At least you’re just knocked up and not just getting fatter.” She looks at Asher. “Unlike some people.”

Asher takes a step forward, and I pull her back. “We were just leaving.”

“You should, you know,” Carmen says. “This kind of restaurant doesn’t cater to your kind. I believe there’s a burgerplace nearby that could do the trick.” She sneers the words, and I take Asher’s arm and drag her out of the restaurant.

Asher pulls out of my grip when we get outside. “Penny! What are you doing? Go back in there or let me go, and let’s kick her ass.”

“I don’t want the confrontation,” I say quietly, tears filling my eyes. “I don’t want to fight.”

“Penny,” Asher says my name softly, but I wipe at my eyes.

“I just want to go home. I’ve lost my appetite.” I take out my purse and give her a hundred-dollar bill. “Please get a cab home and text me when you’re there safe.”