I don’t know if I should go. I’m feeling a bit frazzled.

And undecided. The only thing I know for sure is that he can’t make me get rid of or give up the baby.

Then don’t, but it might be better to rip that bandaid off and hear him out. Message me when you’re back.

I text her a kissing smiley face before I hear a knock at the door. I open it and recognize the guy standing there. “You’re the bouncer from the club. From the VIP section.”

“I’m Mr. Milov’s private security,” he says coldly. “I was sent to collect you.”

I frown and go back inside to grab my purse before I follow him to the car. He opens the back seat, and I climb in. He climbs into the passenger seat beside the driver, and we begin our journey. They’re driving toward downtown Vegas.

“Where are we going?” I ask, leaning forward slightly.

“Mr. Milov thought you would be hungry and booked a reservation downtown for lunch,” the guard says.

“So, what’s your name?” I ask curiously. “What should I call you.”

“The boss will tell you if you should address me or not.” I’m trying to place his accent. Definitely Eastern European.

They’re clearly very confidential about their boss. Kervyn seems even more mysterious now than before.

We pull up outside a popular restaurant, and I glance around. “Where do I go?”

“Here. To Rouge Room,” the guard says. “He’ll be waiting. Just ask the hostess for Mr. Milov’s private table.”

I nod. Weird.

I get out and walk toward the front. The hostess looks at me, stares at my hair for a moment, and then purses her lips. “I’m sorry, ma’am, you must be lost.”

“Not at all,” Kervyn says from next to her. “This is my guest. Penny, this is Gwen. She’s a hostess at this fine establishment.”

I look at her, trying not to feel a little smug. “Nice to meet you, Gwen.”

“Apologies, Mr. Milov. I wasn’t expecting your guest…”

“It’s okay, Gwen. I won’t fire you this time.” He motions to me. “But I won’t need you to escort me back to my private table. Do keep the tables around me clear, please.”

She nods, and I walk with his guidance to an area near the back. I know this place usually is pumping, which makes me wonder what he does so that he can keep a whole section clear just for us to have lunch.

“Penny. Don’t take to heart the small-mindedness of people. I see your beauty. It shines.” I blush slightly as he pulls out a seat for me and helps me into it.

He sits opposite me and smiles broadly. “The news you’ve given me is the best news I’ve had in a long time.”

I raise an eyebrow. “The best?”

“It’s surprising, I know, for both of us.” He waves away the waitress, who offers him a bottle of wine. “Sparkling water for both of us, please. Penny, you must understand that while this is not expected, it should be rejoiced. You are carrying my child. What could be more wonderful.”

I feel as though a weight is lifting from my shoulders. He may be mysterious, but he is adorable.

A guard walks in to wait nearby, and Mr. Milov—Kervyn—frowns. “Hold on.” He motions for the guard to approach. The guard leans in to whisper in his ear. It’s Russian! That’s what his accent is! I wait patiently as the waitress brings our sparkling water.

He’s rather bossy. I don’t know if I like that or if I don’t.

Asher would tell me to stand my ground.

The guard leaves, and he looks at me. “My apologies. My business isn’t one that involves very patient clients. Now, to the future.” He raises his sparkling water, and I raise mine.

“What is in the future in terms of co-parenting our child?” I ask quietly.