“I couldn’t be more sure, Miss Winters. You’re definitely carrying a little one. They’re not that big yet, but they’re growing.” Dr. Green sits back and smiles at me. “It’s a wonderful thing to become a parent.”

Why do I have the oldest, most traditionally-minded doctor in the history of doctors? I nod and give him a small smile because I really don’t want a lecture about the virtues of getting married to legitimize my baby’s birth.

No. I have to figure out what I’m going to do about this. I mean, I’m going to have the baby, but I need to decide if I’m telling Kervyn or not.

I should.

It’s the right thing to do.

Besides, I know where his club is.

Asher has his brother's number and did say she would get his. I wonder if she did.

Dr. Green closes the screen so I can change back into my clothes. I get up to start to dress and take a moment to text Asher to send me Kervyn’s number. It’s definitely a positive.

I put my phone back in my bag on the chair next to me and finish dressing before I go. I feel like I’m in a dream as the doctor goes through what I’ll need and how I’ll have to start taking care of myself.

It’s surreal.

I have a whole other person to take care of now.

Dr. Green asks if I have any questions, and I shake my head. I’m sure I’ll have millions later on when I’m home and freaking out, but for now, I don’t.

I leave the doctor's office and check my phone. Asher sent the number, and without thinking, I dial it. I let it ring and inwardly start panicking because I don’t know what to say.

“Hello, Penny.”

I hesitate. “How did you know it was me?” I ask, worried.

“I have an app on my phone that identifies callers.” He chuckles. “Although I will say it’s a pleasant surprise to hear from you. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you again. I thought I was just a one-night stand in your gorgeous journey.”

I blush, flustered now. “You’re… You’re quite the charmer.”

“Is something wrong?” he asks. His tone has changed to a cooler one. “Did someone do something?”

“Actually. Well. I don’t know how to tell you this.” I take a deep breath, willing the tears away. “I’m pregnant.”

“Oh…” He pauses, and I am certain he’s going to blow me off when I hear another change in his tone. One of certainty. “Are you okay? Listen, we can iron out all the details, but please don’t think I’d leave you in a situation like this with no support. Of course, meeting in person would be the best thing to do. Are you free now?”

My head is spinning from the rush of sudden plans, but I find myself agreeing. “Yes. I can catch a cab.”

“No need. I’ll send a driver. Just text me the address.”

I feel flustered again. “Okay. I will text the address. Thank you.”

“No, Penny. Thank you.” He hangs up, leaving me wondering why he’s thanking me. This isn’t like a gift basket or a sweater. There are no returns on this.

I take a cab back to Asher’s house and walk in. My friend is at work today, so I’m left to stew on this information alone. I can’t help but text her.

I told him. He’s sending a driver to collect me so we can discuss things. Hopefully, this is a good sign.

I wait as the text bubble appears that shows she’s busy typing.

Just be clear. You just want to co-parent. You’re not looking for anything for yourself. He’s just as culpable. He could have put a condom on.

I bite my lip. I don’t think we were in any state to think about birth control that night. There was more of a focus on pleasure, specifically mine.

I never knew being with an older man could be so rewarding, but it really was. Except a baby isn’t really the post-reward I wanted.