As we sit together in the car, I gently stroke the back of her neck. She looks up at me with shining eyes, and I lean down to kiss her softly. I know my closely trimmed beard tickles her because she smiles against my lips. I smile as well and then break the kiss to kiss her forehead.
“Do you know who I am?” I ask curiously.
“Kervyn,” she says softly, her eyes heavy-lidded.
I smile and kiss her again, stroking the back of her neck again. She molds her lips against mine like ice melting against a poker. We fit perfectly, exactly as it should be.
My attraction to her is surprising, but I don’t dwell on it because I want to get lost in the moment. We continue to kiss, to touch, until we reach the apartment building. When we step out of the car, she doesn’t gawk and fawn over my obvious wealth to be staying in such a fancy building. To be honest, this is just a place I use when I don’t want to go to my estate. .
Her focus is on me as she tentatively reaches for my hand, and I allow our fingers to lace together. I lead her up the stairs to the front door, through and to the right to the entertainment room, where there’s a bar.
“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll pour you a glass of wine,” I say, smiling softly.
She lets go of my hand and looks around curiously before moving over to the sofa on the far side of the room. She sits down and looks at the paintings on the wall.
Art is a passion I happily indulge in. My apartment and my house are both filled with it, both contemporary and not.
“I’m a collector. Do you like art?” I ask.
“I took art in school when I wanted to be a graphic designer, but I ended up not doing an art major. Instead, I joined the company I work for now and have been working since I left school.” She looks at me, her red hair pulled to one side.
I take her a glass of wine and sit beside her. “My father didn’t value people, he valued things. My mother, on the other hand, loved the freedom to touch lives through creativity. It was something that enticed her here to America, where she would meet my father when she was a performer in the Vegas shows back in the day. I’ve come to appreciate the value of both people and things as a result.”
“This room is filled with expressionist work. Is that your favorite?” she asks.
“You have a good eye. No. I love all art. Each room has a theme and is filled with that type of artwork.” I lean in and slide my arm behind her shoulders. She relaxes in my embrace.
“I’d love to see it all.” She sips her wine and looks up at me.
“You always seem like you want to say something more,” I comment. Taking our glasses, I set them down and then use my finger to lift her chin. “I can’t tell if you’re confident, or just knowledgeable, or just an enigma I need to figure out.”
She breathes heavily. “Why not all three.”
I smile and kiss her deeply. I guide her hands to my shirt, and she starts to unbutton it before pushing it off me.
When I wake up in bed, I remember her. Her touch, her taste, her every freckle. I reach over in bed to touch her, but the bed is empty except for a note.
Thanks for last night. I had the best time. Penny x
I chuckle and stretch.
The smell of cinnamon lingers on my sheets.
Chapter 4 - Penny
One magical night I decided to chuck it in the fuck it bucket and just do what I wanted. He was dreamy and mysterious, and I don’t know much about him except he likes whiskey and art, and there’s this thing he does with his tongue…
A thing that led to wilder things happening, which led to this moment, five weeks later, where I lie with my legs in stirrups as my doctor confirms I’m going to have a baby. Theonetime I had a wild fling out of nowhere, and now, well, now I’m pregnant.
Theone time.
It isn’t fair. This really isn’t fair. I lost out on the promotion at work. My boyfriend of two years is a cheating douche canoe who was using me to get the bitch he was fucking ahead of me. My apartment was broken into, and my grandmother's necklace was stolen.
That wasn’t enough. No. Fate decided fuck you, Penny. We’re also going to get you pregnant from your one night of wild abandon with Mr. Mysterious.
I look at Dr. Green. “Are you sure?”