It’s been a week, and I’m miserable without her. Sitting here in my office, I have the scan from the last appointment inmy hands. Our son is so big. He’s going to be tall like I am, but I hope he has Penny’s complexion.

I glance up as there’s a knock at my door. Danil walks in. “Can we talk?”

I nod, and he shuts the doors behind him. He sighs and paces for a bit before he sits down in the chair in front of my office desk.

“I wanted to apologize for my behavior last week. I shouldn’t have been so disrespectful. I just didn’t want to jeopardize our standing in the family right now. I think the wedding is a mistake. It’s drawing a lot of attention.” He sighs. “I want you to know I only want what’s best for the family.”

“You always have. I have no doubt of that, Danil,” I say quietly. I lean on my desk. “If I do what you ask and I cancel the wedding because I’mscaredit will jeopardize our standing. Is that not admitting I have a weakness and I’m fearful? If I don’t marry Penny and our rivals find out why, is that not giving them more power than we want them to have?”

“I know what you’re trying to prove, but it’s not going to sway my opinion, Kervyn. I don’t think the wedding is a good idea. Or at least I don’t think it should be so lavish. Have you even thought about what a nightmare it’s going to be to try to guard you and Penny at an event this big?” He sits back and takes out his cigarettes. He lights one and tosses me the pack.

I light one and nod, tossing it back to him. “Since when is my word not good enough anymore? Zakhar certainly thought he could go against me. I dealt with that. And that was family.”

“Argh, that side of the family has always been a touch too indecent. It’s not our way, and I’m actually glad to be rid of the little creep.” He inhales his cigarette. “But it’s the wedding we’re talking about. We haven’t figured out who killed the guards atyour house, and now you want to have a very public ceremony where any of the people could be the killer and could take you both out?”

“Luka will see to security. You know he will, and I know you will triple-check every last thing to ensure that only the most trusted guards are there, right?”

He sighs. “You know I will. I still think you’re making a foolish decision, but you’re the head of the family, and if this is what you want, then I will support you.” He glances at the scan on my desk. “A boy. Thought of any names yet?”

“Penny’s taken a break to see her friend Asher. When she’s back, we will discuss it, although I have some ideas.” I put the scan to the side and finish my cigarette, snuffing it out in the ashtray. “Have you sorted out your charges?”

“Yes. It was a load of trumped-up bullshit. Those detectives don’t give up easily. I see the rookie cop is gone, and now Detective Lymes has a lady partner. That should be fun to tease him about.” Danil kills his cigarette and stands. “If you need me to do anything at all, just give me a call.”

I nod. “I know where your loyalties lie. Don’t worry.”

Danil smirks and walks toward the door. As he opens it, he is thrown back, a gunshot echoing through the room. I pull my gun out of the drawer as Peter, my new guard, walks in with a gun in his hands. Danil tries to pull his weapon, but Peter kicks it away.

He points his gun at Danil’s head. “Put your weapon down, or your brother is going to die,” he yells at me.

I smirk. “Promises.” I pull the trigger, but all I hear is a click.

“I knew you’d go for the gun, so I emptied it beforehand.” He walks past Danil and into the room. “Your other guards have been summoned to a false report that you’re at the club being attacked. So terrible.”

“So you’re the one who killed everyone,” I say as I light another cigarette. “I’m curious to know why. Gambling debt you couldn’t pay off?”

“My real name is Peter Thompson,” he says, staring at me.

That name sounds familiar, but I stare at him blankly. “Am I supposed to know that name?”

Rage overshadows his face, and he shoots to the left of me. I don’t flinch. “You should,” he said. “You ordered my father’s death.”

“I believe my brother removed some body parts first while he was still alive,” I say arrogantly. “What do you want? To avenge him?”

I know we’re going to die here, but I’m not scared.



I can’t wait to see Kervyn. I want to be the one who speaks to him and tells him my choice. Luka has promised me he won’t say anything to Kervyn about me coming back, and I trust him. After all, we’re family now, as far as I’m concerned. Luka drives me to the house himself, and I insist Leon and Freddie take the rest of the day off to rest because they’ve been by our sides non-stop for a week. Luka is reluctant, but he agrees.

Luka drops me in front of the house, and I hold a hand up. “I need to do this alone. Can you bring the luggage in later? You can wait here? it won’t take long.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he grins, turning his radio on.

I walk into the house and immediately know something is wrong. There isn’t a guard inside, but to my left, I hear voices.

Someone is talking about their father, someone Kervyn had killed. I consider getting Luka, but I hear groaning and sneak around to see Danil bleeding on the ground. The guy is armed, and his next target is my fiance.