
No, just her. Just Penny.

I would burn the world for her, but my heart feels like it’s torn right now because I want her to choose a relationship. I want her world and mine to be intertwined without me worrying that she’s going to go to the cops and rat me out. I don’t know what to do.

My phone goes off, and it’s a text from her.

I want to stay at Asher for a few days while I decide. I’m too upset to be here. Is that fine, sir?

Sir? Sir! I clench my jaw and then take a deep breath.

Luka has to give you two guards. Leon and maybe one other. He’ll check in on you daily to ensure you’re not trying to run away.

It doesn’t take her long to reply.

There is nowhere to run to.

I can hear the sadness in her response, and I want to throw my phone across the room. All I have ever wanted was for her to be happy. All I wanted was for her to feel as though she fit in and that she could relax around me. I’ve undone all of that now.

I doubt she’ll choose to have a relationship with me.

Danil might be right, she might be my ultimate weakness, but I won’t let anyone else know that. Not even her.

I need to protect her and our son at all costs. I was hoping to spend tonight choosing a name for our baby, but instead, the mother of my child is going to stay with a friend because she can’t stand the sight of me.

She’s realized I’m a monster.

No, she’s just remembered. The last few months have just been an illusion—the illusion of choice.

I thought I had a choice, but in reality, my life was already predetermined by my position in the family. I can never have normal. I can never be normal.

She accepts the darkness within me, or the only way we’ll be considered together is that we share a house.

Chapter 24 - Penny

I can’t tell Asher why I am spending a couple of days at her place, but she’s excited that I am. I pack a bag for two weeks at least, and as I do, I feel a sadness weighing heavy on my heart. This is my home now. It feels like my home, but is that all a lie?

I want to believe Kervyn loves me, but I don’t know. He just mercilessly ordered the death of his family members. What’s to say he won’t do that to me, too, one day?

What if he ordered someone to kill our son?

No. A part of me knows he wouldn’t hurt our child. But do I want to be a part of this world? This world where people are casually murdered simply for not following instructions. I don’t know the rules of this game. I don’t know the ways of this society, and I’m expected to be a queen within this family of families.

I wish there were a sneak peek or preview into what will be expected of me so I can make a decision.

The illusion of choice.

I don’t get to make that much of a decision because regardless of what I choose, whether I love Kervyn or not, I have to marry him. There is no going back from that now at all.

The detectives. I could tell the detectives.

A part of me knows I never would betray Kervyn like that, and strangely enough, it’s not because I fear him but rather because I feel protective of him.

That has to count for something, right?

Asher welcomes me with open arms even though it means we have two guards in the house with us at all times. She’s usedto Leon, though, so it doesn’t makethatmuch of a difference, and they mostly stick to the front room or the kitchen.

I spend my days with Asher hashing out more details about the wedding, trying to keep my mind off of Kervyn.