“I’ve had your legs that high before,” he says quietly as he motions to the stirrups in the bed next to us.

“Kervyn!” I say, blushing crimson. “Is it your sole wish to see me embarrassed?”

“Kinda.” He grins again, and I shake my head, falling silent as Sofia enters.

Kervyn watches curiously while I get examined, and then she pours the gel onto my belly and begins the scan. She pauses the picture and smiles. “That’s your baby.”

Kervyn moves closer and takes my hand in both of his. He kisses my fingers. “Is it a bo…”

“No,” I cut him off. “I told you, Asher, Luka, and your mom are planning a gender reveal party. We can’t know until then.”

He frowns. “I should know. What if I want to decorate the nursery?”

“It’s in three weeks,” I say. “You will not die.”

Sofia smiles and continues the scan. “I bet you it’s a girl,” he says gruffly. He glances at Sofia, who holds a hand up. “You’re not getting anything from me, Mr. Milov.”

I smile at him triumphantly.

As promised, the three weeks fly past, and before we can even think of names, we’re at the club on a Saturday. It’s weird to see people there having drinks during the daytime.

I have invited some old friends of mine, but it’s mostly the Milov family who attend, along with some connections through other families.

Kervyn doesn’t like that we’re out in the open like this and still wants to keep me behind closed doors most of the time.

I don’t want to, though. I want people to see me and know I’m pregnant and we’re a couple. He thinks it’s dangerous, but I think he’s the most dangerous person I know. Who would mess with him?

The club is decorated in pink and blue, and there are games to play scattered around the club. We’re broken into couple teams, and start to rotate playing the games together.

Kervyn and I whip everyone at the Pictionary station, but we both falter at the station where you have to guess the boy band from the pictures they’ve put there. We only get two of those right, and they are both obvious.

I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. The lesser joy of being pregnant is the constant need to pee. I get into a bathroom stall and sit there, contemplating how much fun I’m having when two of my previous work colleagues come in.

“Are you sure? LiketheMilov family?” Kara asks. I’m wondering who she is talking to when Mila answers.

“Yes. Like that istheKervyn Milov. The mob boss. And did you notice how easygoing she is around all these Russians? She isn’t that meek little girl that I remember her being.”

I smile to myself.

That’s right, ladies. Definitely not the meek little chubby girl everyone picked on. Though I invited people I liked from work, I wonder if I did it with the purest intentions. I gave this list to Asher, knowing some of these people would put one and one together and realize how powerful I have become.

I wait for the girls to leave the bathroom before I wash my hands and leave.

“Let’s switch teams,” I announce. “Teams of four this time,” I say.

Everyone starts to separate, but I go through them and put at least a friend or two of mine in each group. It’s fun to see how everyone tries to win with their new partners. I was always made to feel uncomfortable, but with my new status I don’t want to stoop to their standards, I want everyone to have a good time.

No one ever went out of their way to ease me into situations or introduce me to new people except for Asher. I wanted these people here to see my new life. Maybe I chose them because I wanted them to see how powerful I am but I’m still kind. Perhaps I don’t really have that many friends.

But I have a family now, and that family is one hell of an important, powerful one.

I team up with Kara and Mila and Luka. Luka is trying to flirt with the girls, but they’re looking at him as though he’s grown two heads or something.

I smile, and as we move from table to table, I talk to Luka about how awesome the party is that he’s organized. Mila and Kara realize that Luka is Kervyn’s brother and deem it in their best interests to play a lot nicer with him.

Luka seems to be enjoying this side of me, and all too soon, we reach the crux of the party. I’m called up to the front, where everyone stands. Some people film on their phones, while others have video cameras at the ready.

Kervyn and I stand side by side as Asher hangs a giant balloon above our heads. She hands us each a needle, and the countdown begins.