I know I love her. I love her more than anything, and perhaps Danil is right. Maybe that is making me choose foolish things. Play stupid games and claim silly prizes. Isn’t that what they said?

I dress down for the day, not wanting to draw attention to myself in my work suit. I opt for slacks, a golf shirt, and a jumper.

I meet Penny at the car, and it’s a short drive to the bakery that Penny has picked to make our wedding cake.

There’s a table laid out with all these little cakes. Each has a perfect spoon-sized portion missing from the taste test. Penny sits down and looks around. “What’s your favorite cake?” she asks.

“I don’t actually know,” I say honestly. “I like a lot of different types of cakes.”

“This is Blue Velvet with vanilla cream cheese icing,” she says, using a spoon to scoop up a little and pass it to me. I eat it, and I moan a little.

“Okay, that’s pretty good,” I say. “Blue Velvet. Does our wedding have a theme?”

“I’m going for a blue, gray, and lilac motif,” she says. “Here, this is a rich chocolate mousse cake.”

We both eat it, and I smile. “I could smoosh your face in the cake.”

“Don’t you dare,” she says with a smile. “My makeup is going to be flawless, and that almost never happens.”

I smile and point to another cake, “What’s that one?”

“Er…” She picks up the card. “Carrot cake made with brandy and covered in cream cheese icing.”

I try that one. “None for you because it’s alcohol.”

“Actually, I can have a little. Alcohol bakes out of the food.” She tries it but spits it into a napkin. “Nope. Not that one.”

I chuckle and point to the blue velvet. “I really think that’s our winner.”

She smiles. “I’m glad we agree on something already.”

She pulls out a picture to show me a five-tier cake. “It’s going to be five tiers big, obviously, with each tier slightly smaller. Decorated with blue and Lilac flowers and accentuated with silver for the stems and leaves.”

I take the picture and look at it. “It’s beautiful. What about the topper?”

“Well, I wanted something from Russian, so I wanted a man and woman in the form of those Russian dolls.” She grins. “Cheesy, I know.”

“Very cheesy, but my mother will love it,” I say.

“What’s she like?” she asks.

“My mother? She’s a bitch to anyone who isn’t blood-related, so you have to hold your own with her. But that’s still a while away from happening,” I say.

“Why haven’t I met her?” She asks.

“I didn’t think she minded at first, but Danil tells me she’s a little upset that I got you pregnant before the wedding. While it might not bother me, my very catholic mother finds this… sinful.” I shrug. “I’m just giving her time to cool off and get used to the idea before I take you over there.”

We get up, and I watch Penny go to the baker to give her the picture and discuss the cake.

I wait for her to finish before we make our way across town to the tailor who does all my suits. I appreciate that she used the same guy because that means a lot less measuring.

Wait until she sees the surprise I have planned for her as a reward for all this work.

I put on my tux. It’s a very nice black tux with a gray cummerbund and a blue tie. I won’t lie, I look good in it and know Penny thinks so, too, from how she looks at me.

I let them measure it up again just in case, and then while Penny is talking to the tailor, I send Luka a text.

We decide to have a late lunch and pick up a few things for the nursery before we call it a day and head back. Honestly, I’m just stalling for time for Luka.