I’m up before Penny every day. Most nights, she’s sleeping in my room because she’s scared, or so she says. Today, I’m expecting Danil to join us for breakfast, but I know Penny was up late painting the nursery, so she will probably be sleeping in.

I don’t mind. She needs her rest.

I come downstairs to the terrace, where Danil is already sitting to the right of my usual seat. “Kervyn,” he greets me.

“Danil. Good morning.” I smile. “It must be urgent if you want to see me before you’ve had your breakfast.”

“Yes, there are things I want to discuss with you,” Danil says, pouring us a mug of coffee each. “Things I think are best discussed between the two eldest sons.”

“You refer to me as a son still, but I’m going to be a father soon,” I comment, taking the coffee. “What is it?”

“I’m concerned about your fiance and the wedding she’s planning. Luka had a copy of the guest list for the invitations, and that’s a lot of people.”

“They’re mostly our family, Danil.” I shrug. “And people that we know. Penny has Asher and a few old work friends she’s inviting. It’s not her that’s got the big family. It’s us.”

Danil purses his lips. “We don’t have to invite every single person we’re related to.”

“She wants a big wedding. It’s what she’s always wanted,” I say. “Let her have it.”

“It could bring unwanted attention to us and the family in general, the other side of the family that we don’t want regularpeople talking about.” Danil sips his coffee and looks at me seriously. “You don’t need all this fanfare.”

“Danil, don’t stress so much,” I brush him off. “Penny wants a lavish wedding, and I’ve promised her she can have whatever she wants. That’s the end of the discussion. You should be more concerned about finding out who killed all my guards. Is there any news?”

Danil sighs and shakes his head. “No, there isn’t. I have some leads, but so far, no one has said anything.”

“Well, focus on that instead of my impending nuptials. Okay?” I say. “Let’s not argue over something like this. It’s one special day, that’s all.”

Danil opens his mouth to say something else, but Penny walks in. I smile. She’s dressed in dungarees and a shirt underneath. She’s wearing trainers today instead of sandals and has a bandanna on her head.

“Morning, Danil,” she says with a smile. “It’s nice to see you.”

Danil stands and gives a strained smile. “Good morning, Miss Winters. Kervyn, have a good day. I’ll see you at the office.”

He walks out, and Penny watches him for a moment before she turns to me. “Did I do something wrong?” she asks.

“He’s just moody,” I say, motioning to her seat. When she doesn’t reach for any food, I look at her curiously. “Not feeling well?”

“Actually.” She gives me a shy smile. I love that shy smile. “I wanted you to spend the day with me, taste-testing cakes and trying on your tuxedo.”

I bite my lip and close my eyes briefly before gently looking at her and lowering my voice. “Penny, I have to work. I’m needed in the office.”

She gives a playful pout. “You’re the boss. You can do whatever it is that you feel like doing, surely? And you said no holding back, right?”

I raise an eyebrow as she gives a rue little smile. I smirk. “You’re learning bad habits from Luka.”

“He is an excellent teacher,” she says.

I take out my phone and text Danil that I’m taking the day off. I know he’s going to be pissed, but Penny is right, I’m the boss. I don’t have to go in if I don’t want to.

“Where is the tasting?” I ask curiously.

“Downtown. Leon has gone ahead to have the staff taste-test the cakes to ensure they’re not poisoned.” She smiles. “That was my idea.”

“It’s a good idea. Paranoia looks good on you.” I stand and offer her my hand.

“Am I driving?” I ask.

“No, Currie will take us,” she says. Just before we reach the door, before we’re in view of the guards, she drops my hand, and instead, I place it on the small of her back. It’s our symbol. Our sign of affection without letting on that we’re being affectionate. If I could be honest, I would declare my love for Penny a hundred times over, but I can’t show weakness, not even to her.