“We follow my protocol,” I say, feeling fired up. I lead Asher, Leon, and two other guards to the terrace, where Luka and Arseny are playing cards.

“Penny! Asher!” Luka cries. “My brother is kicking my ass. Do you want to join me and defeat him?”

“My douche ex-boyfriend is getting married.” I blurt out. “And I want to go to the shopping district to try out wedding things to make my wedding better.”

“Revenge,” Arseny says with a chuckle. “I like it. We’re in. Leon, get us twelve guards and three cars.” He throws his cards down. “Blackjack, brother.”

Luka groans and tosses his two aces down. “You know, we know a lot of the shop owners. Let us take you shopping. You’ll have fun.”

I look at Asher, who grins. “Deal.”

It starts as a simple shopping trip through the shopping district. Arseny seems to know all the shop owners, and we get samples of fabrics, foods, and designs.

“Do you want a wedding planner?” Luka asks. “Maybe Arseny can start a new company.”

Arseny glares at his brother and then gives me a polite nod. “We should try on wedding dresses.”

I blush. “I don’t know.”

“Just try them on,” Asher says. “It’ll be fun. I know the best boutique.”

We follow Asher’s directions and reach a gorgeous bridal store that caters to all sizes of women. We walk in, and a young French girl hurries forward. “Who is the bride? Certainly not madam Asher.”

“No, please meet Penny Winters soon to Milov,” Asher says. “What kind of dress do you want to try on?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “I like the maternity dress off-shoulder look, but the a-line is nice too.”

“You are pregnant. You need a gown that pushes up the breasts but flowers over the belly.” The young girl says in her French accent. She turns and starts calling out things in French, and Asher takes my hand and leads me to the back of the store.

“The guards must get us some non-alcoholic champagne,” Asher declares as we sit on the sofa in the back.

Arseny sends Leon before they join us. “Do you expect us to be part of the bridal party?” he asks curiously.

“Yes,” I say. “All three brothers and Asher.”

Luka smiles. “I can be the best man, and Asher can be the Maid of Honor.”

“Kervyn will pick his own best man,” I point out. “Don’t be cheeky, Luka.”

“Cheeky is his middle name,” Asher jokes.

I try on so many dresses, and they all look so beautiful. I don’t know which one I want, so Arseny buys them all for me.

“Whatever you don’t wear, you can return,” he comments.

“Or donate to a charity?” I ask.

Arseny looks at me strangely but nods. “Yes, I suppose you can do that too.”

From there, we go to more stores and sample more foods. All in all, we have a fun afternoon, and I arrange to do it again in a few days. Between that, I plan the nursery and shop online for things I want to decorate it with. I decide I want to paint the mural on the wall myself and surprise Kervyn, even though I don’t know if it’s a boy or girl yet.

Arsney, Luka, and Leon basically cavity search every delivery person that comes onto the property. One UPS worker is so used to it that he ‘assumes the position’ almost immediately after knocking on the door.

I become obsessed with planning the wedding, fixing up the nursery, and going to doctor checkups that, in no time, twomonths fly by, and before I know what’s happening, I’m already six months pregnant.

Kervyn and I are falling back into a relaxed, comfortable routine, though Kervyn is a little annoyed I won’t let him see the nursery painting progress. He doesn’t know about the mural, and I’m determined to surprise him.

Chapter 17 - Kervyn