He laughs as we walk toward the exit. Briefly, our hands brush against each other, and he suddenly takes my hand in his.

As we leave, two men approach us, and I tense up, but Kervyn tilts his head. “Detectives. Wasn’t there a complaint a couple of weeks ago about harassment?”

One gentleman, the older one, steps forward. “Miss Penny Winters? You are safe now. You can come with us. We will protect you from this man.”

I look at him, confused, and then at Kervyn, who looks at me curiously.

I lace our fingers together. “This man is my fiancé. I don’t understand why you think I’m in danger. In fact, I feel more threatened by you than by him.”

“You heard it, gents,” Kervyn says, squeezing my hand. “You can be sure my lawyer and hers will be in touch in the morning.”


“Don’t apologize. It makes you look weak,” Kervyn says as he leads me through them and toward our car.

“Does that happen a lot?” I ask.

“Normally, the person doesn’t stick with me,” he admits, grinning. “But I enjoyed that more than I will ever admit again, so lap it up. You impressed me.”

“Well, we are engaged. That is what this fancy ring is for, right?” I ask, showing him my engagement ring.

“That’s what it’s for.”

He looks at me before he starts the car, and suddenly, he leans forward and kisses me deeply.

Chapter 15 - Kervyn

Something between us has changed, and I am hyper-aware of her movements around me. I always knew there was a strong attraction, but now it’s as though that attraction is on steroids. I don’t want her to feel as though I only want her for pleasure, though, so I try not to let my physical attraction get the better of me. It’s getting increasingly hard.

The fact that she’s got a slight baby bump showing and growing is driving me mad with protective jealousy. I want to keep her safe from all harm, especially the kind of harm that befalls the people who are related to me and my family. There is no place of safety that you can go to when you’re a Milov, and by marrying her, I’m painting a giant target on her back.

I need her to be cautious, and I need her to be more aware of what she does, where she is, and most importantly, who she is around. I don’t want to burst her bubble, though. Her best friend is constantly at our home as they plan the wedding. Asher is planning the gender reveal with my brother Luka and my mother, which means it’s going to be really over the top.

I want her to have everything she wants, so I won’t burst this bubble.

Not for now, at least.

But I am aware that she is more relaxed around me, which means she feels safe to be near me. We fall into a comfortable routine of eating meals together and spending evenings together once I’m done with work. We read, sitting on the same sofa or near each other. Sometimes, I’ll find her napping in the sunroom if I come home early enough, and I’ll have my lunch in there while she dozes. She’s almost happy to see me when she wakes up.

I want her to know that with me, she is always safe. She is my family now. A family I have chosen to keep, and that means a bond that has the potential to be stronger than blood.

I like bringing her flowers and making her feel special because it seems as though she’s never had anything like this done for her. She often mentions how poorly her ex-boyfriend treated her. I’ve noticed she doesn’t say he treated her poorly but instead explains how he treated her, which was shitty. She’s asked me not to break his legs, but I know where he lives, and if she changes her mind, I can send someone there in a heartbeat. I think she thinks I was joking.

I wasn’t.

Today, I want to do something extraordinary for her, so I order her a beautiful dress and shoes and send them to her during the day with a note that she should be ready to go out at seven.

I dress in a smart suit with a tie and spray on the musky cologne I’ve noticed she likes. I go downstairs to find her in the cute maternity dress I bought. She looks stunning as it flows around her. Off the shoulder, just the way she likes it.

I walk toward her. “You look exceptional.”

That blush of hers, she’s never able to take a compliment. I take her hand and lift it to my lips to kiss it. “Just because you’re blushing already.”

She pulls her hand away and smacks my arm. “Stop it, you devil.”

I chuckle and offer her my arm. I lead her out to where my driver is waiting with the small limo I keep on hand for special occasions. I help her in and go to the other side to get in myself.

I pop the cork on the champagne in the ice bucket and pour some into a glass, holding it out to her. “Non-alcoholic but tastes like the real thing.”