“I insist you stay by me so you are safe,” I say. I don’t want to be bossy, but I want her to feel safe.

She follows me to my room and looks around shyly. My room is decorated in a simple style, and she pauses at the massive painting on the wall. “That looks like an original Picasso.” She smiles at me for the first time since the incident, and I stare at her. “No. It can’t be. That is not an original Picasso.”

I chuckle, pointing out, “That’s why it’s behind glass. It cost me an arm and a leg and continues to do so in insurance.”

She gasps, staring at the painting.

I smile and look around, feeling a little awkward. It’s not like Penny hasn’t been in my room before, but I think she was too intoxicated to notice much.

“I wish this was the room we first made love in.” She smiles sadly at me. “I was in such a rush to get out of the apartment because I was so shy. I didn’t think to even look at the art in the apartment more closely.”

“You weren’t shy in bed,” I tease and reach out to stroke her hair. “But let’s get you in bed and sleeping. I’m going to change.”

“Okay.” She moves toward the bed and lays out her shorts and top. I go to the bathroom to change, and by the time I’m back, she’s already climbed into bed and curled up.

“You okay?” I ask quietly.

“Yes,” she responds just as quietly.

I climb into bed and switch off the lights. I turn my back to her and hug my pillow. The gap between us feels significant, and it makes me shiver. I lie there, wondering what I can do to make her feel better when I hear a little sob. I turn my head and listen carefully. I can feel her shaking and realize she’s trying to cry quietly.

“Penny…” I whisper softly. I turn over and scoot up. I spoon her and awkwardly slide my arm around her waist. “Hey. It’s okay. I’m here.”

I stroke her side softly as she composes herself.

“People look at me and see this chunky girl, and they just assume they can take advantage of me, and I let them—a lot of the time. Luckily, something like today hasn’t happened to me before, but there are so many situations where I think back now and realize I was used because people assumed I was desperate. After all, I’m not pretty by society’s standards.” The words rush out, and I listen carefully. She gives a big sniff, and her shoulders shake again. I squeeze her against me.

“People are idiots. Society’s standard of beauty is ridiculous. The moment I locked eyes on you in the club, my first thought was how beautiful you are. I was instantly attracted to you,” I whisper in her ear.

She gives a slight shrug, and I frown. “Hey, up until now, I’ve done many things, but I have not lied to you. Have I?”

She shakes her head, and I smile. “So, you better believe me when I tell you that you are sexy to me. That I find every inch, every curve, and every freckle on you absolutely sexy.”

I keep reassuring her, and after a few minutes, she relaxes in my arms. I feel her breathing even out, and only once she has fallen asleep do I finally close my eyes.

My eyes snap open when I hear a commotion coming from downstairs. I check on Penny, who is still fast asleep in bed beside me. I slip out and don my bathrobe. I leave my bedroom and shut the door behind me.

I storm downstairs, and Leon points me toward my office to see guests waiting. I walk in and glare at my uncle, who has turned around to look at me. “If you fucking wake up my fiance, I will personally remove your fingernails.”

Zakhar’s father stands before me, his face red with anger. “Who do you think you are? Ordering your guards to beat up your cousin. Your father should have instilled in you that some woman you fuck is not more important than your damn family. You’re a disgrace.”

His voice steadily rises, and I cross to my desk. I open the desk drawer and pull out a gun, pointing it at his head.

My uncle freezes, and I advance toward him, keeping the gun trained between his eyes. “Have you forgotten who you are talking to? Have you forgotten what position I hold in this family?”

My uncle holds his hands up. “Kervyn. Please. You must understand he’s my son. I would do anything for him.”

“Your loyalty should lie with me first before your child,” I growl. “Your child that tried to rape my fiancé.” I pull the hammer of the gun back. “Rape the woman who is going to bemy Queen, the queen of our family and who carries my heir. She’s not just some fucking woman. She ismine.”

My uncle mumbles his apologies, and I tilt my head. “If I can’t trust you any more than I can trust your child, then perhaps you should join him and leave this family. If you can’t pledge your loyalty…”

My uncle shakes his head. “No. I’m sorry. The news reached me that it was some woman. I didn’t know it was your fiancé. Of course, you were right to punish him. Please don’t banish him, though. He is my only heir.”

I lower the hammer and the gun and snort. “Perhaps you should consider adopting because he’s never welcome back here. Now get the fuck out of my house.”

Leon clears his throat, and my uncle hurries out of the room. I look at Leon. “Keep an eye on him for a couple of months. I don’t trust he won’t seek revenge.”

“Yes, sir,” Leon responds before leaving.