“Kervyn,” I sob. “Zakhar. He… I didn’t…”

“I know. I know. I had his vehicle bugged. I knew I couldn’t trust the fucker.” Kervyn says. “Come on, you’re safe now. Come to my car.”

I let him lead me away from the noises of Zakhar getting the beating of his life. I can hear him crying out and the blows landing, but I don’t want to look.

“Did he touch you?” Kervyn asks. “How much did he hurt you?”

“He punched me in the face, and he was about to…” I choke back a sob, and Kervyn presses my head against his chest. I can hear his heartbeat, and it’s so calm and evenly paced.

“Come on, I’m taking you home. The guards will follow with Zakhar.” He helps me into the back of his car and climbs in next to me. He wraps his arms around me and holds me the rest of the way home.

“Where did he say he was taking you?” Kervyn asks softly.

I start to sob. “I wanted to see Asher. He said he would take me there.” I dry heave and then again. “Oh, God, I feel so filthy.”

He strokes my head. “When we get home, I’ll run you a bath, don’t worry.”

I rest against him, trying to do just that. I try to push the worry out of my mind, but I’m certain Zakhar is a dead man, and I don’t think I actually mind.

When we get home, Kervyn helps me upstairs to my room. I sit and cry as he runs me a bubble bath. I let him undressand help me into the tub. He takes his shirt off and kneels beside the bath. He picks up my sponge and starts to wash my back as I hug my knees as much as possible.

“It’s okay,” he murmurs. “He will never come here or anywhere near you again. I promise.”

“He’s your family,” I choke out.

“You are my family too. You and our baby are my family. I put you first, always.” There he is, being sweet as pie again. I sob quietly, and he just keeps murmuring that it’s going to be okay.

The thing is, I start to believe him. I begin to think that he can protect me from all the evil things in the world that would otherwise hurt me.

I slowly unfold and let him gently wash Zakhar off my body because that’s what it feels like. It feels like I’m covered in his gross, slimy vibe. Kervyn cleanses me so gently I barely feel the sponge touching me, and he doesn’t go anywhere he thinks would make me uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry this is how my cousin treated you. I had already warned him to stay away from you. I should have warned you, but I don’t want to control every part of your life with me,” he whispers the words so softly. “They always do this. Think they’re entitled to what’s mine, what belongs to me. Zakhar has always been a little jealous that I was the head of the family, but I never thought he would go this far. I thought he was just trying to seduce you and you would reject him. I didn’t think he’d actually attack you.” He meets my gaze. “I’m not about force, Penny. I have never been, and I thoroughly discourage it in my family, I swear. A family that little shit is no longer welcome in.”

I nod, swallowing hard. “It’s okay he didn’t…” I pause and take a deep breath. “You were there on time.”

He smiles and whispers to ask, “Can I kiss you better?”

I nod, and he presses his lips to mine. Licorice and tobacco. That’s what my future husband tastes like, but not cheap cigarettes, quality cigars. It’s flavorsome and enticing. When our lips part, I almost miss it. I want to fight this building attraction that I have for him because he did abduct me, but I’m starting to wonder if he was right that one night when we fought.

Maybe I didn’t have a life. Perhaps I wasn’t really living, and he’s given me something to live for.

“I don’t know the gender,” I say softly, and he looks at me curiously.

“Of the baby?”

“Yes, they could tell, but I asked them to seal it for the gender reveal. I think maybe your mom or Asher can arrange that if it’s okay?”

“Of course it is,” he says softly. “And Asher is welcome to come see you here at any time. Maybe she can help you get things ready for the baby.”

“Thank you,” I say softly. “For saving me.”

“I’m just glad I went with my gut so I could find you in time. Penny, don’t be scared to fight back.” He looks at me sternly. “There’s a fire that burns deep inside you, and sometimes you need to let it loose so that you can protect yourself.” He stands up and gets my robe. “Come on, I’d prefer you to come to my room than stay alone tonight. No one should have to stay alone after something like that happens.”

Chapter 13 - Kervyn

I lead her in her robe to my room, pausing only to pick up something for her to sleep in. She follows me almost like a zombie.

“You don’t have to do this.” Her voice is so quiet I almost reconsider killing my cousin. He just got a beating and excommunication from the family. I should shoot him.