He takes my hand, lifts it to his lips, and kisses it softly. “Kervyn is a fool not to treat you right.”

I blush. I hate it when he gets flirty. “Zak, Kervyn wouldn’t like it if you flirted with me. I’m marrying him. Look, I have to go. We’ll talk about this when I’m back.”

I get changed and get set up in the stirrups. The check is a bit awkward because I’ve never seen this doctor before, but it’s a woman, which is a bonus, and she’s very friendly.

“Right, we can actually tell the gender of the baby. Would you like to know?” she asks, smiling.

“Oh, could you seal it in an envelope? My fiance wants to have a gender reveal.” Not that I should do this for him. I should find out and tell him because he’s a jerk. But there will always be that nice side to me that doesn’t like to hurt people.

“Baby is all healthy, and you’re over four months pregnant now, which is about right according to your previous records. I see you were with Dr. Green. My condolences. My colleague can be really old-fashioned sometimes.” She smiles. “And please don’t call me doctor. Just call me Sofia.”

“Thank you, Sofia,” I say.

I get changed back into my clothes, and she writes out a list of things I need to know and check, and she reminds me to schedule my next appointment at the front desk.

I walk out and pause at the front desk. Zakhar is sitting there playing on his phone with a smug smirk on his face. I don’t even want to know what the cheeky little devil is up to.

I speak to the receptionist and book another appointment before I walk over to him. “All set.”

“Any hideous deformities because your baby is related to my cousin?” he asks as he gets to his feet.

“That at least is one good thing. Your cousin is handsome, so my baby has a fifty percent chance of being a gorgeous baby.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Penny. You are fucking sexy.” Zak opens the door for me and stands close as I get in. So close that I brush up against him.

I awkwardly buckle myself in, blushing furiously.

“Right, give me Asher’s home address, and I’ll take us there the long route in case my cousin has any surveillance on us,” Zakhar says.

I pass him my phone with the address and look around. “Do you think he has?”

“No, but you can never be too careful.” He sets his GPS up, and we start to drive. I look around as we drive, appreciating how beautiful Vegas really is. It’s been a while since I’ve been so far from the city center and especially so far from Kervyn’s home.

My home. Am I supposed to call it that now?

Zak stops on a dusty road, and I look over at him. “Everything okay? We got a flat?”

He undoes his seat buckle and looks at me. “Everything’s fine. I just thought we could have a private little discussion, finally.”

I frown. “A private discussion in the middle of nowhere?” I feel a churning in the pit of my stomach. “Zak, if Kervyn finds out about this, he’ll kill you. And I mean that literally.”

“You’re not going to say anything, though, Penny. I mean, I know you’re with him for the money. I, on the other hand, can pleasure you in other ways.” He drops his hand high up on my leg, tugging at my dress.

I push his hand away instantly. “I’ve told you not to flirt with me, Zakhar. I’m engaged to your cousin, and I’m having his baby.”

“Exactly. So I can fuck you and not get you pregnant again, for at least what? Six more months?” He reaches for my leg again.

I push him away and start unbuckling my seatbelt. “Leave me alone. I’ll grab a cab to Asher.”

He grabs my face and pulls me toward him, kissing me. He tastes sour and moldy compared to Kervyn. I pull away and slap him. “Leave me alone, you pig.”

“You little whore.” He grabs me, and I scream, trying to fight him off. He punches me in the face, and I’m somewhat dazed from the blow. He forces my legs open, and I know he’s going to rip my underwear off when I hear a strange noise and feel cool air.

“What… no.”

I open my eyes and see Zakhar being pulled out of the car by two guards. I touch my face where he hit me, and it’s tender, and tears are rolling down my cheeks. I fix myself and grab my things, desperately trying to get out of the car, but I can’t get the door to open.

It’s pulled open suddenly, and Kervyn pulls me out and into his arms. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”