“No, actually, I’m here to talk to you about tonight.” I clear my throat, and before she can ask, I continue. “We’re having dinner together, just you and me, and I’m afraid I must insist.”

“Oh…” She looks down at the book, and I see a red blush on her cheeks. “Okay. Of course. That’s the usual, though.”

I smile. “Except the guards won’t be as close, and the staff will leave our meal with us and go home, so we’ll have the house to ourselves.”

“Oh,” her blush deepens. “Well, I mean. I’m sure we need to get used to that happening.”

She won’t meet my eyes, but she’s not declining my offer, so I decide to leave while the going is good. “Excellent. I’ll see you tonight, then.”

I turn and hurry out of the library while trying to look calm. I’m such an idiot. I’m over forty. Why is this so hard?

I won’t lie. She’s beautiful, and those eyes capture me whenever they meet mine. I feel like I’m in my twenties chasing tail again, except the only tail I want is a red-haired beauty curled up in my home.

The day both flies by and drags on at the same time, and soon enough, I’m sitting in the dining hall, having issued strict instructions that if anyone interrupts me for any reason, their heads will roll.

I sit there patiently and feel like a nerd. This is like the first date I ever took a girl out on. I thought I’d been so smooth, but really, I hadn’t been.

I hear footsteps, and I stand up as Penny walks in. She’s taken to wearing these off-the-shoulder flowering dresses, which suit her so much. I smile and go to her chair, helping her sit down before I go to mine. “Thanks for joining me tonight.”

“Well, it is in our contract,” she says pointedly.

I smile and gesture to the finger foods all plated on the table. “Help yourself. It’s tapas style tonight.”

“Thanks,” she says quietly before she starts dishing food onto her plate.

I also dish up, and we eat quietly for a moment.

“You look gorgeous in these dresses,” I comment between bites.

“Thanks,” she says, not quite meeting my eyes.

I try to think of things to say. “Did you enjoy your book?”

“Yes, thank you. It’s quite interesting.”

I try not to sigh and grit my teeth. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”

“Nothing much.”

I can’t stand these short answers. It is frustrating the shit out of me. “Penny, do you just not like talking to me? Because we have spoken before this, and you would actually answer my questions.”

She meets my gaze now. “I am answering your questions, Kervyn.”

“Why have you been avoiding me?” I ask.

“I haven’t been.” She looks away quickly again, staring at her plate. “I think I’m full.” She starts to stand up.

“Wait.” I stand up. “Why don’t you at least let me make you some hot chocolate?”

She looks at me curiously. “Hot chocolate?”

“It’s a cooler night. I’ve arranged that we have the house to ourselves. What would be better than indulging in full cream milk hot chocolate?”

She hesitates, and I can see she’s trying not to smile. “Okay. We can have hot chocolate.Ifthere are marshmallows.”

“I always keep marshmallows. Do you think I’m a heathen?” I chuckle as I lead her to the kitchen. I put some milk on to boil and prepare two cups of hot chocolate.

She picks up the canister of hot chocolate. “Oh, this is that fancy branded hot chocolate. I’ve never had this one.”