He nods. “You’ll come to find things you like about the mansion. Your room, in fact, can be done in any way you want. Feel free to get things tomorrow to decorate it to your taste. From tomorrow, we will have most meals together, but tonight, I have a meeting with my family regarding our engagement. Your dinner will be served in the main dining hall. I apologize. I won’t be joining you.”
“I prefer we don’t eat together,” I say stiffly.
“That illusion of choice again.” He chuckles. He walks up to me, and I flinch, making him frown. “I will never hit you. I don’t believe in hitting women. Some people in my family might, but not me. At least not in a way you don’t like.” He leans down and kisses my cheek before he walks past me. I can’t help the blush that graces my face as his beard scratches against my skin.
A guard comes in, and I look at him. “Leon?”
“Allow me to show you to your room, ma’am.” He motions with his hand so that I can walk beside him.
He doesn’t say anything else as we walk to the third floor and down a more extensive hallway. At the end are two double doors that are shut. Before that, to the left, is another set of double doors. Leon opens one and steps back. “This is your room, Miss Winters.”
I walk in, and my mouth nearly drops to the floor. The room is about the size of my apartment. There’s a door to the right and a door to the left of the room. I open the door to the left, leading into a walk-in closet that looks like a small clothing boutique. I walk to the other door, and I nearly squeal. The bathroom is gray, in various shades, and in the center is a clawfoot bath. The bathroom is enormous, with a large shower to the left and a vast vanity section to the right.
I go back into the room, looking shocked, and Leon is standing there with his hands clasped in front of him. “Are you sure this is all mine?”
He nods.
I remember why I’m here and compose myself. “Well, I guess it’ll do. Mr. Milov said I could explore the house. Can you show me some of the entertainment areas? I might need help navigating back to the library as well.”
“Of course, let’s start with the music room.” He walks out, and I follow him. “Music room like instruments?”
Leon shakes his head. “Mr. Milov is a huge fan of vinyl records and collects many.”
We walk into a room that looks more like a ballroom, and I see wall-to-wall shelves of vinyls. An antique—I don’t know the era—cupboard holds a high-spec stereo system. Leon stands guard as I go to explore. Everything is categorized by genre, then year, then alphabetically.
I understand that Kervyn is rich, but I didn’t realize he wasthisrich. It doesn’t affect my impression of him. I don’t care about money. I can make money. But some of this music is so old and brings back such good memories.
“Am I allowed to…” I turn to Leon, and he nods.
I find an old Elvis record and slip it out of its cover. I walk over to the cupboard and stare at the record player for a moment before I figure it out.
I understand quickly why this room looks like a ballroom.
It is a ballroom.
Speakers around the room sound out the beautiful ‘Only Fools Rush In’ by Elvis Presley. I can’t help the smile that graces my face, but I quickly try to hide it when I catch Leon glancing at me.
I don’t want him to report back to Kervyn that I’m impressed. I stop the record but don’t put it back. “It’s okay.”
“Of course, ma’am.” Leon motions behind him. “Would you like to stop at the arcade room on the way back to the library?”
“Arcade?” I ask, perking up again.
Leon nods. “This way.”
He leads me down two hallways, and then we walk into a dark room. “This is an arcade?” I ask sarcastically.
“I just need to find the switch,” he says, and then I hear a click, and the lights all come whirring alive. It’s like a mini arcade. How huge is this place? Why didn’t he bring me here five weeks ago! Why did we go to his penthouse instead?
I guess this is his actually home and the apartment is probably his shag pad. Probably no need for an arcade there.
I cast my mind back and blush, realizing I wouldn’t have got a full tour anyway, as we were pretty busy in the apartment.
I walk amongst the machine and pause after a moment. “Oh, these are all retro games. This is Donkey Kong.” I touch the buttons, and the screen shows level one. I sit down and start to play. I get lost for a moment and forget where I am as I play a game I haven’t seen in ages. I mean, it wasn’t from my time, but I love retro things.
This will probably be my favorite room in the house, even if I don’t want to admit it.
No, I won’t admit it. I can’t like the place I’m being held prisoner in.