“It isn’t a world I asked for,” I say, choking up.

Luka smiles sadly. “You think we asked for this. We have taken it and made it our own, as should you. Now, you’re confined to here until Kervyn makes his decision about where you’re officially staying, and then I’m sure you’ll be allowed to roam the house and grounds. For now, I would suggest you eat and rest as much as you can. Fighting with my brother is exhausting, I know.” He bows his head slightly and leaves, locking the door behind him.

I should have told him he doesn’t have to lock it. It doesn’t matter because I don’t want to explore the house and grounds, even if this is supposedly going to be myhome. I don’t want this to be my home. I’d rather have my crappy apartment back.

I sit on the bed, but after a few moments, I notice my whole body hurts, so I get into the bed and curl up. I’m tired from the morning and doze off slowly.

When I wake up, the older maid is there again, and I blink. “What time is it?”

“Four in the afternoon,” she says briskly. “Mr. Milov has asked me to take you to the library to see him.”

I frown, but before I can say anything, she puts her hands on her hips. “No, I don’t have the time to argue with you, Miss Winters. Mr. Milov wants you, you go.”

I blush and get up, and I blush further when she walks away, saying, “And stop getting into bed with your dirty shoes.”

I follow her. She’s feisty, and I like her. She probably heads the house or something. I follow her down long hallwaysto what feels like the opposite side of the house. This place is huge.

We walk into a library the size of, well, an entire library. As in a small building. The ceiling is so high up there are stairs in the library leading to a second story.

“Oh…” I look around as my mouth drops open. I used to love to read in my spare time before I began working. When I worked, it was such long hours I never got a chance to read.

“This way, miss,” the maid says.

“What should I call you?” I ask curiously.

“Mrs. Beth,” she says. “Though you aren’t supposed to address the staff unless you want something, and the guards won’t talk back to you.” As she leads me across the vast space, I spot some ladders on rails that you can climb to reach higher shelves. I nearly squeal because it’s like something from the movies. I compose myself.

I can’t like this. It’s not mine, even if I am being forced to stay here.

Across the room is Kervyn. He is sitting at his desk, going over some papers.

“Thank you, Mrs. Beth, I’ll take it from here. Please ask Leon outside to wait to escort Miss Winters.” He looks up at me. “Hello, Penny.”

“Mr. Milov,” I say politely, although we both know it’s notreallyto be polite.

“Kervyn is fine,” he says, motioning for me to sit. “I have here our contract to marriage. Now, this confirms you’ve agreed to marry me along with a non-disclosure that you can’t speak about anything you hear or see that’s related to me in any way.”

I frown. “You don’t trust me? Great foundation to a marriage.”

“I don’t trust anyone. It’s how I’m still alive,” he says curtly. “Do you need time to read it?”

I want to say yes, but it doesn’t matter. No matter what I do or if I read it, he’s going to make me sign it. “I have no choice. Even the illusion isn’t appealing.”

He smiles. “You’re learning.” He holds out a pen, and I take it. He shows me where to initial and where to sign, and when we’re done, I sit back.

“Something I forgot to mention,” he says as he stacks the pages together. “There is also a clause confirming you won’t run away ever again.”

“What’s the penalty if I do?” I ask.

“It says various.” That’s all he says, but the veiled threat is there.

He stands up. “Leon is going to show you to your permanent room. It’s right next door to mine, so I can keep an eye on you and assist you with anything you need when the staff are off for the night.” He smiles at me, and I shiver. “He’ll take you there now, and your things will be sent to that room. In the morning, you’re going shopping for new clothes and anything else you may want or need.”

I frown. “Just like that? We’re what? Dating now?”

“Engaged,” he says with a grin. “The ring will be delivered tomorrow if I’m not mistaken. You are, of course, welcome to peruse the various rooms and grounds with Leon escorting you. I don’t want you destroying the place.”

“People have tried to destroy this place?” I ask. “I don’t blame them, but I’d be sad if the art were damaged in the process.”