I lean forward and smirk. “Arseny has a fascination with needles, did I tell you? He also has a fascination with knives, and on some weekends, he volunteers at a butcher's shop to carve up the dead animals. He’s quite skilled with cutting down things to smaller pieces.” I say this as Danil undoes his tie.

“This is one-way glass, so even if your detective friends were sitting downstairs, they wouldn’t know what we were doing or that you were up here. Also, this room is audio-proof. So they won’t hear you struggle.”

Danil throws his tie around Warren’s neck and pulls tight, cutting off his air.

I get up and sigh. “Not here. Take him downstairs to Arseny’s office in the basement. Take the back stairs.”

Danil uses the tie to drag the man out of my office, and with that, I direct my attention back to Penny. The detectives are asking about her. I need to seal her in with something, like a contract, something more than a promise versus my threat. I dial my lawyer's number.

“Mr. Milov. I got your text. We have already laid a complaint against the detectives for harassment. They shouldn’t bother you again for a few days,” Rick says.

“Well, I also need a contract drawn up.”

“How soon?” Rick asks. “What kind of contract?”

“There can be no room for error and no loopholes. It’s an agreement to marry me and non-disclosure for anything heard or seen with anything regarding my life. Do you understand?” I pause. “And I want it by tonight so she can sign it tomorrow after I’ve looked it over.”

“Yes, sir. I best get started then,” Rick says. “I’ll be in touch.” He hangs up, and I sit back in my chair. All in all, I wouldsay that today was a rather successful day, and that was just the morning.

Chapter 8 - Penny

I feel absolutely miserable for both myself and Asher. I am so scared they’ve hurt her even though she says they haven’t. We don’t have time to discuss anything else as Luka leads her away and has me sit back at the table.

“You need to eat. Taking care of yourself is part of what you’re agreeing to,” Luka explains gently. He’s probably the softer of the brothers.

I turn to him. “Is there nothing you can do? Can’t you plead with Kervyn?”

Luka smiles. “I would never go against my brother, Penny. Ever.”

His tone is one of finality, and I know there is no point in trying to convince his family to spare me. No one is going to save me. I only have Asher, and I can’t expect her to risk her life by betraying these types of men.

I reluctantly pick at the fruit before Luka asks me, “Why don’t we take a plate to your room? You can then eat as you get hungry.”

I nod. “Thank you.”

A different maid comes out this time, an older one, and she collects a little of each fruit for me on a tray and leaves ahead of us to go to my room.

“Can I see Asher one last time?” I ask.

“She’s busy,” Luka says quietly. “She has to sign a non-disclosure agreement before she’ll be allowed to leave. It’s standard procedure for anyone who comes here.”

“I’ve been to one of Kervyn’s apartments, and Kervyn didn’t ask me to sign one,” I say bitterly, as though I wish I had one. I don’t really. What I wish is that I can go back to my old life. I doubt Kervyn would even let me work now, considering I tried to run.

Luka walks me back to my room and hovers around while the maid settles things for me and makes the bed. “Am I ever going to be allowed out?” I ask as I stand by the window.

I can see the front yard from here and see Asher being escorted to a car. I raise my hand, but she doesn’t look back. I wouldn’t either if I were her.

A deep sadness envelops me as she’s whisked away. A small part of me wishes it was me, and then I’m overridden with guilt because I’d rather it be me in this position than my best friend.

“Although she signed the non-disclosure, I’m sure she understands the seriousness of betraying a family like ours. She’s a smart girl.”

“How could you treat her like that?” I ask, look at him. “I know you two spent the night together and that you chatted to her in the weeks up until we found out.”

“I know.” He smiles. “She’s a sweet girl, but I’m just not the kind to get settled.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t protect her a little,” I mutter, crossing my arms.

“You live in a world where you think life is fair. Life is not fair, Penny. Life has never been fair, and quite frankly, it isn’t going to become fair.” I look at him as he stares pointedly at me. “You call my brother a monster, and yes, to some people, hemight be. But he doesn’t have to be with you. You can have the world at your feet.”