I get freshened up so I don’t look like I’ve been living in a bed in a cabin for two days and then help Asher take our bags to the car before we go to the reception building to officially check out and thank the owner for letting us pay in cash.

We shiver as we walk in. Three guys are sitting near the window, but we don’t pay them any mind, keeping to ourselves instead. Asher puts the key on the counter.

“Thank you for having us. We’re going to go ahead and check out now.” She smiles.

The owner looks at her thoughtfully. “Thank you for being such amazing guests. I’m sorry you’re not staying longer.”

Asher smiles, turns around to face me, looks past me, and freezes. “Oh no.”

I turn around slowly. The three guys who were sitting near the window are now lined up behind us, and walking through the door is none other than Kervyn’s brother Luka.

“Ladies. You have been difficult to track, but the Milov family always finds the people they’re looking for.” He smiles at Asher specifically. “If we hadn’t already been using more advanced means to track you, the flight booking would have sealed it anyway.”

“We would have been out of here before you tracked that.” Asher is defiant, and it makes me worried. I take her hand and squeeze it.

I look at Luka pleadingly. “Please, don’t hurt us. Please, I’m begging you. Leave Asher and take me. Don’t hurt her.”

“I’m going to have to insist that you both come with me. Kervyn wants to see both of you.” Luka gestures for us to walk out, and I shake my head.

“Please, no.” I turn around to the owner. “Please, he’ll kill us. They’re going to kill us. Please call the police! Do anything.”

The owner looks at us sadly. Luka walks forward, and I flinch, expecting him to manhandle us, but instead, he slides a thick brick of notes across the counter. “Your cooperation is duly noted and appreciated by the Milov family.”

The owner looks at us and shakes his head. Taking the money, he walks into the back office and shuts the door.

“Now, if you do kick up a fuss, I am going to have to do something about it.” Luka first looks at me, then at Asher. “I really don’t want to do that since I like both of you. So, Leon and I will drive with you in your car to Kervyn’s home. The other two lads will follow us in their car. Got it?” He raises an eyebrow.

Asher nods. “Swear you won’t hurt us though?”

“I swear. Kervyn has no intention to hurt either of you. Especially not Penny because of her current state.” Luka holds his hand out. “Keys?”

Asher reluctantly puts them in his hand, laces our fingers together, and leads me to our car. We get in the back, squished with the luggage. Luka and the guard both put the child lock on the door so we can’t get out. When Luka gets in the driver's side, he locks the windows as well. “Just a precaution,” he comments.

We are silent while we drive, but Luka and the guards speak a lot, quickly, and in Russian. I don’t know if they’re talking about us or something completely different, but it makes me scared.

I hate conflict and seldom stand up for myself. I need to this time, though. I need to say no to Kervyn. I need to protect Asher. Asher is still holding my hand in the car and squeezes it as though she senses my feelings.

Once we’re within the walls of the estate, Luka drives us to the front door, where more guards are waiting.

As soon as Asher gets out of the car, two guards take her by the arms and start leading her inside. I quickly try to follow, but Luka stops me. “You’re parting ways here temporarily. Don’t worry, it won’t be for long.”

I follow Luka, looking around as we walk in. This is not the apartment where we made love that night. What might have been a mysterious but inviting home, feels ominous to me, and I am hesitant to continue when a guard gently takes my arm and starts leading me upstairs. I am taken to a room, escorted in, and then they leave.

Just like that.

The door is shut, and I hear the lock click into place. I immediately rush to the window, but they are barred. There is no exiting through them. I pace around the room, looking for a weapon of some sort, but even if I find something to club them with, they probably have guns. Oh shit, what if they have guns and take us out and shoot us. Isn’t that what Mafia people do?

The stress makes me feel dizzy, and I sit down. Where is Asher? I wish I knew so I could comfort her. I don’t know what else to do but to sit here on this bed and wait.

It feels like hours before someone unlocks the door. I jump up and watch as Luka walks in, followed by a maid.

“We brought you dinner. Kervyn thought you may be hungry after spending the day in here.” Luka watches as the maid sets the tray of food on the bedside table.

“What’s happened to Asher?” I ask.

Luka smiles, but they leave again without a word, and I’m terrified that something horrible has happened to my best friendbecause of me. I ignore the food for a while but also know I need to keep up my strength if I’m going to find a way to escape from Kervyn’s grasp.

I look at the food. It’s pasta with some sort of creamy white sauce. Alfredo maybe? I sit at the bedside table and eat carefully. I’m halfway through the bowl when I stupidly wonder if they would try to kill me through the food. I set the bowl down and fret about it for ten minutes.