I nod. “Interesting. Not a lot of people have access to this that easily.”

“It isn’t done easy, but when you’ve worked a lot of secret operations, you know how to do what you need to do.” He falls quiet after that and starts typing away on his keyboard, glancing at the various screens.

I stand up and walk over. “It looks like you have everything here under control. My brother Luka will stay here with you to… keep you company.” I smile. “I’m going to return to my home and wait for you to find what’s mine.”

“Yes, sir,” he says, nodding nervously.

I walk out of the office and downstairs, leaving the club and standing on the curb. It doesn’t take long for my car to pull up, and I climb into the back. “Take me home.”

“Yes, sir,” the driver says.

I remember the night that Penny and I fell into bed together. It was a delicious night and a lot of fun. I do hope she’ll get over this silly little fear of hers and see that we could make quite the power couple if she is willing to take my advice.

My phone goes off with an email, and I check it. It’s from Danil. He already has information about Penny from her work. I read through her HR file and note she’s quiet but diligent. She’s clearly a good employee because she’s making the company a lot of money. Yet that night, it seemed as though she was having a terrible time at work.

Possibly just a bad day? I try to recall what we talked about. It was something about working hard and not being appreciated. Maybe she didn’t get an increase she applied for or didn’t get a promotion. Or perhaps they’re just taking advantage of her. Thank fuck I don’t have to work for a boss. My personality type would not do well with being fucked around like that.

Maybe as a wedding gift, I’ll pay her company a little visit. I smirk at the notion. I dive further into the HR files and see a note made that she has been unhappy after being passed for the promotion. Ah, so it was a promotion.

The driver pulls up to my house, and I walk out. She didn’t get to appreciate my home when she was here. When she’s living here, I’m sure she’ll be happy with the large mansion and the several acres of land surrounding it. Maybe I’ll build her a stable with some horses. Girls love horses, right?

I walk in and close my emails. They need to find her before she does something drastic. I doubt she’s gotten further than a state or two away, and if she thinks my power is limited to Vegas, she’s sorely mistaken.

Chapter 6 - Penny

It’s been two days, almost to the exact hour, since we left Asher’s house, and I am sick with worry. I feel terrible that Asher has been dragged into this, even if she sees it as her fault. I don’t think it is. I could have left with her when she left, and this wouldn’t even be an issue. I have been doing more research on Kervyn, and he is an exceptionally dangerous man linked to various crimes. We picked up a basic laptop, and I’ve been using it to research Kervyn.

We’re a few miles outside Vegas, hiding close enough not to be noticed. Asher is right. They’re probably looking further out for us, thinking we’re trying to put as much distance between us and Vegas as possible.

We’re still too scared to leave our cabin, though. We take our meals in here through room service, and we don’t ever go out. I don’t know what the cabin owner thinks, but I don’t really care. These are our lives we are talking about. I’m scared we’ll be seen if we set foot outside of the cabin, but I also know logically that we can’t sit in this cabin for the rest of our lives.

I stare at the wall as I rest on the bed we share. It all feels so hopeless, and a part of me wonders if I shouldn’t surrender and just go to Kervyn so that Asher can continue on with her life.

Asher nudges me. “Hey. I know that face. Stop blaming yourself.”

“I can’t help it,” I say as I sit up.

“Yes, you can. I’m tired of hiding in this cabin. We’re going to book a flight out of state because I assume they’re mainly watching the roads. Plus, the airport will be a safe public place. We’ll take the next available flight, and from there, wewill decide where we go.” She smiles. “You and I are having an adventure. Look at it that way.”

“Except our adventure is that our lives are upended completely,” I pout.

She smiles and pulls me into a hug. “It’s okay. We’re going to be okay.”

She gets up and grabs the laptop, turning it on. She pulls up a list of flights and scans through them. I sit on the edge of the bed, watching her. “Anything good?”

“In three hours, there’s a flight leaving for New York. We can get there and immediately book another flight out of the country using cash. I packed our passports so we could pick somewhere that we could easily hide. I mean, the Caribbean sounds like a dream place to raise a kid.”

I smile. “You just want to tan with all those hunky men around you.”

She smiles back at me. “Men is how we got into trouble. I don’t think I’ll be engaging with the opposite sex for a while.”

“Let’s get packed then. Book the flight so we can check in and get going. Once we’ve landed, we’ll find the first available flight out of America.” I get up and start packing up our suitcase.

After a few moments, Asher shuts down. “It’s booked. We can print tickets at the airport.”

I nod. “Okay, we need to check out and get to the airport. If we get there with time to spare, we can just check in and find a restaurant to hang out in until it’s time to fly.”

“I’ll be packed, refreshed, and ready to go in the next hour. We’re going to be okay,” she keeps reassuring me, but I don’t know if she’s comforting me or herself more.