“Mr. Milov. I’m sorry about the money.” He starts to ramble straight away. “I’ve just had a little bad luck. Clients haven’t paid yet. Please, I can get it together with a little time.” He wrings his hands. He’s worried I’m going to hurt him or kill him. He should be worried.

“Mr. Wilson. I know you’re a busy man.” I ignore his ramblings. “So I’ll make this quick. If you find the two girls I’m looking for, and quickly, I’ll write off your entire debt.” I smile at him. “A deal you surely can’t afford to refuse.”

He swallows and nods. “I’ll need to get my equipment.”

“What do you need? We’ve tracked their phones. They were last used yesterday. The one we know they’ve left behind, they probably got rid of the other. What is your plan to find them?”

He clears his throat and glances at Danil standing near him. “Well, I have access to certain satellites that can trace vehicles. It could take twenty-four hours, though, so it’s best to get a head start. If they’re making any withdrawals from their bank accounts, I can trace that too.” He shifts from side to side.

“Danil, tell Luka to take Mr. Wilson to get his things so he can set up shop here and trace the women for Luka to find. You needn’t worry, Mr. Wilson. I can assure you no harm will come to these two. They’re simply lost.”

He nods nervously, and Danil phones Luka. My youngest brother is upstairs in a moment and smiles. “Mr. Wilson, how good to see you again.”

They leave together, and I look at Danil. “Do you think he can do it?”

“He is good. I’ve heard from his clients he can trace anyone. Apparently, he used to work for the Marines. Job got to him and made him a bundle of nerves, so now he likes to do the background work, like tracking people down for others to find. He works with a lot of bounty hunters.” Danil finishes his coffee.

“Why would she just run off like that? I thought our lunch chat about the wedding and the baby went well. She was very business-like.” I rub my beard, staring at the cleaning staff tidying up and cleaning the club.

“She probably figured out who you actually are and panicked.” Danil points out.

“Thanks, Mr. Obvious,” I mumble, leaning against the window frame with my arm as I watch the goings on. “Still, she didn’t look scared. She looked like we were discussing an investment. I think there’s more to her than meets the eye. Can you do some background checks on her and find out what she’s about?”

Danil sighs. “Is this really the best way to utilize my time?”

I look over my shoulder at him with my eyebrows raised. “You think you have better things to do than what I ask of you?”

Danil wants to sigh. I can see it from a mile away. He holds back and shakes his head. “No, Kervyn. I merely meant it was a task for someone less busy.”

“You’re not too busy to do this for me. I say what you’re busy with.” I look back downstairs. “Besides, this needs to be handled by family, delicately and with discretion.”

Danil does sigh this time, but I don’t react. It’s just how brothers are sometimes. He knows where the power lies in this room, and it’s in my hands.

Even though he’s my brother, I could have him snuffed out like a candle in the wind.

Thoughts rush through my brain, and I turn to walk back to my desk. “I don’t care if she’s figured out who I am and if she’s scared. She’s mine now, and so is that baby she’s carrying. I will have her back. I don’t care if I have to send out every member of our organization to scour Las Vegas to find where she is.”

“She could have left the state by now,” Danil says, sitting back in the armchair.

I sit in my high-backed leather chair and stroke my beard. “Send the men out.”

“You’re joking…” He stops his thought process when I glare at him.

“Do I joke a lot, Danil?” I ask.

“No, sir,” he says quietly. I note his submission and wave at our guard. “I will deal with Mr. Wilson when he gets back. You take the men and start looking in every possible location.”

Danil stands. “Yes, Kervyn.” He walks out, and I sit back. I look at some financial reports until Luka walks in with several men carrying equipment, Mr. Wilson behind them.

“Be careful. That’s expensive equipment,” he says. He seems to be more in charge of his emotions now this is a hired job rather than a plea for his life.

The guards bring in tables for him to set up. I quietly watch as he gets everything connected. It takes too long, and a lot of precious time is lost. Yet it instills confidence in me that the half-a-million write-off is going to be worth it because he is going to find Penny.

“Can I have her number?” Mike asks.

“They found it at the house. There’s no point trying to track it.” I take out my phone and read off the number.

“You can do more with a number than track it,” he says confidently. “Like get her and her other friend’s details and therefore their bank details and so forth.”