Page 74 of Freeing Her Cheetah

“What?” Grant takes a threatening step. “What is he talking about?” he asks me.

I grab the neck of my shirt and stretch it to show the very visible mark. “You are not my mate. I have a mate. He marked me.”

He lurches back. “No.”

“Yes. Where is my mother?” I demand.

He flexes his hands. “The minute I signal my pack they will kill her and your sister,” he threatens.

“Well,” Elijah drawls, sauntering between the trees. “That would be difficult.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Grant snarls as he turns to keep all of us within his sight.

“Me?” Elijah asks him but his eyes are on me. “I am Saylor’s mate. She is mine. I am hers.” He looks at Grant. “And you are going to die. Just like the rest of your pack.”

“Fuck,” Grant bellows, looking around wildly.

“Yeah,” Elijah says gleefully, and I want to kiss the shit out of him.

“You killed them all?” he asks. “By yourself? That’s not possible.”

“I think I’m offended.” He tips his hat. “But I did have some help.”

Four panthers, two wolves, three lions, and three dragons step from the shadows surrounding us, circling us. Everyone is in their shifter form except for the dragons. The sight is beautiful.

It’s Grant’s turn to pivot. His eyes go from one deadly shifter to another and then flit to each of the three vampires around me. He finally settles on my face.

I can smell his fear.

He inches away from us. There is no way he can escape even if he runs.

“Wait,” he pleads when Elijah takes a step. “We can forget about this.”

“Forget,” I scoff. “Where is my mom and sister?”

“If I tell you, will you let me go?” he asks helplessly.

“Sure,” I agree. “You have to tell me the truth, though. The vampires will know if you are lying,” I bluff. I have no idea if they can or not. Most shifters can sense deception but it is easier with humans.

He licks his lips, and his eyes bounce around us. “I brought them. I thought I could use them to get you to come with me.”

“Where?” I snarl.

“At a hotel. I left one of the pack with them.” He holds his hands out, his back curled.

“Which one?” I demand.

Everyone is surprised when Sally runs into the clearing. “I said it before, I’ll say it again. You all sure no how to throw a party. Hey, cowboy,” she says, winking at Elijah. “I took care of the remaining pack and your family is staying with me now. It tooksome convincing to get them to come with me. They don’t trust easily.”

“They’re okay?” Why am I surprised by the things Sally does?

“Yes, physically,” she pauses, “Mentally, it’s going to take some time,” she finishes softly.

I can’t even imagine.

“You’re going to let me go now?” Grant asks desperately. His first mistake was taking his eyes off of Elijah.

Elijah eliminates the space between them in seconds. He’s behind Grant, his claws around his neck. “I don’t think so.” He looks at me. “Kitty Cat?”