Page 32 of Freeing Her Cheetah

I smell the fear now.

And it’s not coming from me.

I stalk closer. My eyes, which are normally bright blue, morph. Bright yellow shines out, only a hint of blue remains at the rims.My long claws clack on the floor. My head tilts dangerously. We are shifter cheetahs, bigger than just the animal.

I bare my teeth. Then I pounce.

I take great pleasure in tearing him apart, piece by piece. Blood and guts fly across the room and cover my coat.

I distantly hear Elijah instructing the vampires to not interfere. I hear crying and screaming from beside me as Sam witnesses one of his own kind killing his packmate.

I care about none of it. I want this evil man to be nothing but bones. I want no possibility of him coming back. He won’t be able to heal from this.

I don’t know how long it takes. I have no concept of time in this form. All I can see is the fear and desperation on my mom’s face as they killed her. All the women they abused with the power of being stronger. I know I am done when I am standing in nothing but blood and bones where a man used to be. His flesh sticks to the walls.

My chest heaves. My head swings low as I turn to Elijah.

My mate. Mine.

“Kitty Cat,” he says. “You are stunning.”

He steps closer.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Bash asks and I turn blazing eyes to him and bare my teeth.

No one will keep him from me.

“I would back off, my friend,” Ryker suggests.

Elijah never stops, crouching before me. “Good girl,” he whispers. Regardless of the blood on my coat, he runs his hand over my head. “You did good. He’s gone now. Shift back and we can go home. I’m anxious to hold you.”

I hear the words but I’m not ready. I but my head on his palm, silently urging more petting.

He smirks. “The next time you shift, I promise to pet you all you want. Now I want to hold you,” he urges.

I sigh.

“Turn the fuck around,” he snaps at the vampires. “Close your eyes,” he demands Sam.

The magic works over me and then I am laying on the dirty floor. Elijah quickly takes off his shirt and covers me.

“What should we do with him?” Bash asks, nodding at Sam.

“Leave him. I’ll come back and take care of him myself.” He gathers me in his arms and I wrap myself around him.

“It was all a lie,” I sob. My legs tighten around his waist. He pulls down the shirt, his hand under my ass. “My poor mom.”

“I know, Kitty Cat,” he says. “I’m sorry, baby.”

“He can’t come back.”

“No.” He starts walking but pauses on the stairs. “Sorry for the mess. You have someone to clean that up, right?”

“Jesus,” Ryker sighs.

“Take care of her. We’ll worry about this,” Bash concedes.

“Thanks,” Elijah says.