Page 65 of Freeing Her Cheetah

My eyebrows raise as they pass me, Sam slung over Bash’s shoulder.

“We built this after I found my mate. I wanted another way to protect her.” He stops at a steel door in the corner of the room. “Also another way to escape.” He pulls out a large key from his pocket.

It squeals as he pushes it open. Elijah laces our fingers and pulls me into the darkness.

I do not like this. It’s way too dark. Our vision adjusts quickly, but that’s not the point. It’s too creepy.

Ryker leads, while Bash ambles behind him as if he doesn’t have a shifter over his shoulder. Elijah stays close to me but slightly behind, which I’m grateful for. No one wants to be the first or the last in a dark, concrete tunnel.

I remember when I was fourteen, I begged my mom to take me to a haunted house (as if our life wasn’t scary enough). She caved and took me. So horrible. She was in front of me. These assholes in masks would run up behind me. One startled me so badly, I ran and then fell into my mom.

No one wants to be charged. Cheetah or not.

I jump when I hear laughter ahead of us.

“Easy, it’s the wolves,” Elijah murmurs, but I hear the smile in his voice. “That is River.”

“Fuck, this is awesome. Why haven’t you invited me to your tunnel?” River pounces closer.

“You are why,” is Ryker’s reply.

“You’re no fun.”

“You got my message?” Bash asks the other man.

“We did.” He looks at me. “I’m Kerian. This is my brother River.”

“Hello, Saylor.” Are all the shifters around here gorgeous?

River has black hair and bright green eyes. Kerian has brown hair and light green eyes. They both are built but Kerian is more muscular. Their mate must thank the God’s above for her luck.

“Ava went to stay with Serenity. She will be safe with her,” Kerian assures Ryker.

“Is Marie coming?” River asks Bash.

“I couldn’t stop her,” Bash says glumly.

“Of course, she wants to come. All I heard was we got to chase a man through the woods and I was ready to go,” River yells, jumping up and down, his fist swinging in the air.

“So mature as usual,” Ryker says, but I can see the respect on his face.

“So what is the plan?” River asks. “Saylor, you haven’t heard yet, but I am amazing at pulling off the best plans.” Ryker snorts, and River glares at him. “Dude, that was one time.”

“The one time you went with a plan that put my mate in danger?”

“She was fine. You have to admit, she is more dangerous than the men in that house,” River points out.

“I don’t have to admit shit.”

“How about we get to the car so I don’t have to hold the stinky, dying cheetah anymore,” Bash growls.

“Oh, yeah.” River jumps back. “I was wondering what that smell was. I didn't want to ask.”

“Crazy wolf,” Elijah greets as we pass him.

“Cheetah,” River sneers. But both seem at ease with each other. I think it’s all for show.

“So I hear there's a crazy rabbit in the mix now,” River says.