Page 44 of Freeing Her Cheetah

“Oh, girl. I’m fine.” She taps my hand. “I’m tougher than I look. I’m sure he thinks I’m dead. I waited until he left to come out of hiding. I zigzagged my way here, not wanting him to catch my scent.” She waves her hand at Elijah as if proving her point again. “He’s headed this way, though, or is already here somewhere. I ran across his fading scent many times on the way here. He has others with him.”

“How many?” Elijah demands, sitting forward.

“Four, I think.” She shoves the rest of the bread in her mouth. “So when are you two going to mate?” She motions between us with the fork she stole from Serenity’s plate. Ryker hisseswhen she digs into his mate’s food. Serenity watches her in fascination.

“I don’t think that is the important topic of conversation right now,” I snap. “What did Grant say?”

“Oh, the same as every man…she’s mine. I will find her. She belongs to me. Does that hurt?” she mumbles through bites of food.

It’s Elijah’s turn to hiss.

“He hurt you,” I say weakly. My mind is trying to catch up. The anger is brewing inside. Sally is the only person I have met who has been truly good to me. She is the only one I have missed.

“Listen, girl,” she says, putting her elbows on the table, putting the food down. “Over the years I’ve lived, I have met many, many assholes. Ones who think they are better, stronger, more valued than a woman rabbit shifter. They assume I am weak. They assume they can beat me. I have spent my life proving them wrong. I am tougher than I look.” She nods. “Grant is just another evil asshole who thought he could take me down. He failed. He will fail in his mission to get you. If I’m reading your mate correctly, he will do what he has to do to kill the asshole before he touches one hair on your head.” She resumes her demolition of Serenity’s food. “So, you fucked her yet? I can smell the heat. You need to do something about that, cheetah. I can’t have my girl in pain.”

Ryker howls with laughter.

“Sal,” I whisper furiously.

“What? We were all thinking it,” she says to Serenity.

“You’ve never found a mate?” Serenity asks her.

“Pregnant, huh?” Sally easily sidesteps her question. She closes her eyes for a moment and tips her head. “You have witch blood in you.”

“I do,” Serenity confirms.

“Hmm…the baby does, too.” Serenity rocks back and Ryker pulls her close. “She’s going to come in two months and be very powerful.”

“What?” Serenity whispers.

“Just saying,” Sally gulps down my water.

There have been rumors about rabbit shifters. Besides that they are a little crazy, they whisper about having powers of premonition.

“How the fuck do you know that?” Ryker growls.

“I just do. I don’t question it,” she responds, her shoulders moving.

“I am happy the baby is going to be fine, but can we get back to Grant being on the way and planning on taking my mate?” Elijah spits.

“Everything will be fine,” she says, waving away his concern.

“Is that another prediction?” he asks.

“Well, no,” she says blinking. “I can’t tell the future.”

“Jesus,” Elijah sighs, rubbing his hand over his mouth.

“I think you need to fuck him. He’s tense,” Sally whispers, leaning toward me.

I put my hand on Elijah’s leg when he snarls. “Sally, I understand his frustration. Is there anything else you can tell us?”

“Let’s see,” she says, leaning back. “He wants you. He considers you his. He burned down my diner. Tried to kill me. He’s on his way. Has four others with him.” She counts with her fingers. “I think I covered everything.” She frowns. It’s my turn to growl. “Oh wait, he’s hiding something.”

We all leaned forward expecting a big reveal. “What?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I just know he is.”