Page 102 of Freeing Her Cheetah

Tonight we are having our first party. We invited the panthers, the dragons, the wolves, and the vampires. Elijah’s adopted family has welcomed me. We didn’t have tons of time to get to know each other while I was adjusting to having a mate, running from a vampire, and screaming for help when Elijah was taken. I’m excited to have an actual conversation with them. Of course, Draden and Brae will be here. Logan and his brothers haven’t answered Elijah’s calls. He’s worried about them, which causes me to worry.

But there is nothing that we can do but wait.


Sally is a force. She has crashed into this town and all the heart of our friends. She has made the decision to stick around. She rented an apartment and got a job at a restaurant. She told me she loves cooking and can’t imagine doing anything different. She let the bear catch her—they have been seen around town holding hands. When I ask her if she is worried that her mate will find her and she will have to break the poor bear’s heart, she responds with,I don’t hold my breath that I will have that gift given, which makes me sad. I wonder why she feels that way, and what story she has to tell.

Maybe someday, she will tell me, or tell someone. Hopefully she will eventually get her happily-ever-after.

Also, she informed me that the bear is just lonely and they are having fun, nothing more. I can’t argue with her. The bear is gorgeous.

She will be bringing her sassiness to the party and is bringing donuts for dessert.


My Elijah.

He has given me a safe place.

A home.

A love that is consuming and can never be torn apart. He loves me like the fantasies that have lived in my head and my heart, but so much more. He’s crazy, funny, and so loving. He gives me peace. He freed me. We run together often, our cheetahs as one. We revel in life and the joy of two strangers that the universe handpicked to enhance our lives—as one.

I hug him all the time.

He often hums to me as we are falling asleep or in the morning as he is now. Not to replace my mom’s or for the reasons she did. He hums to me to expand the gift he has given me.

He protects me.

He encourages me to find myself and takes pride in the things I find. He shows me in every minute of our day the beauty of our bond.

Late last night, after he made love to me, with no cuffs or ropes, he fell asleep before me for once.

That’s when it happened.

My eyes were heavy and I was satisfied. I felt it.

I felt a soul join mine. I heard the tiny thud of a heartbeat that was not mine. I felt the beginning of a life that we created. I closed my eyes and thanked the tiny beauty for giving us another gift.

“Morning, Kitty Cat,” Elijah’s raspy voice ghosts over my hair.

“Morning,” I say softly. I’m wondering when he will realize we have another life in the room. I’m surprised he hasn’t yet, but the heart is soft, just beginning.

His hand stops and everything goes quiet, except the three separate beats.

I lift my head, propping my chin on his chest. I find his eyes blazing and glassy.

“Saylor?” he gasps.

“Sir, you are going to be a father.” He freezes, his nostrils flaring. “Are you happy?” I ask. I have no doubts now as to his devotion to me.

“Happy?” he asks in disbelief. He sits up abruptly, his hands cupping my face, my legs falling to his sides. “Kitty Cat, happy doesn’t describe all that I am.” He drops his head to mine. “This is real, right?”

“It’s real.” Tears gather in my eyes.

He gulps and lifts his head. “I didn’t dare hope that a woman would come into my life and make it worth living. I feared that I would walk through this life without the other half of my soul. I pretended to be okay with that. I pretended that I didn’t need anyone.” He pulls me closer. “The night I found you, I found my purpose. I was supposed to protect you, fulfill you, love you, and give you the family you were searching for. I prayed that I could give you a baby that you could love just as much as I love you.”

“Elijah,” I cry. “I love you. You are the family that I had been searching for. The number of members doesn’t matter—the love that family contains does. This baby will be so loved and you are going to be a wonderful father.” I run my fingers through his hair. “Do you feel like celebrating, Sir?”