Page 101 of Freeing Her Cheetah

“Where do you live now?” I ask and their heads snap to me.

“We don’t live anywhere,” Draden says.

“We travel,” Brae says.

I nod, taking off my hat, and running my hands through my hair. “This is a nice place. Lots to do. But lots of quiet when you want it. The woods where I live has space for another place. Not too close. I have a mate. I know the horrors of hearing sex constantly. You think it would be great, but after awhile, days and days of it, you just want them to shut the fuck up. We have rules here, according to the dragon, which I’ll get into later. If you stay, you will apologize to my mate, beg her forgiveness, andpledge to protect her when I can’t.” I stand. “I told her she and I are family now. We plan to have lots of babies soon. I would like it if my brothers would join it. I want to give her everything she wants, and she has always wanted a big family.”

Draden stands beside me. “I would be honored to call her sister. I will beg her forgiveness.”

“Good.” I turn to Brae, the youngest of us.

He looks up at me with a sheen in his eyes and then joins us. “I would love to get to know her. We will protect her and your babies as if our own,” he swears.

“Good. I will allow you both to stay.” I grin, and they follow.

“Love you,” Draden grumbles, putting his hand on my shoulder.

“I do to,” Brae says, his hand on my other shoulder.

I pull both of them close, pounding their backs. “Love you guys, too.” I push them back roughly. “Enough of that. I have a mate to get back to.”

I start to walk away when Brae asks, “What were the rules you were talking about?”

“Fuck, I can barely remember then now. I burned the list.” I turn, but not before I see them looking at each other in confusion.

I’ll have to ask Laken to give them their own list. I have a feeling they’re going to push the boundaries of the rules.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Idrift out of sleep to the sound of a song being hummed softly. My head is resting on the chest of my mate, my leg and arm thrown over him, holding him close. The sun is barely starting to rise. I keep my eyes closed and enjoy Elijah’s deep soothing voice and his hand slowly caressing my back.

It’s been three weeks since I woke up to Elijah sliding back into bed after he saw his brothers and got the answers and closure he needed to move on and form the lost bond with them. It freed him. I can see the light he now has for them when he looks into their eyes.

Three days after that, his brothers came over. They begged my forgiveness and we had a meal together. I like them. I see the demons that haunt them and I hope being here around Elijah and the misfit crew of shifters and vampires will heal them. It’s going to take time for the trust to build between them, the relationship they once had was as teenagers, and it will never bethe same. They are hopeful for the bond they can grow as adults and get back to the easy connection of brothers.

Elijah made a deal with Laken and Bishop to buy another spot of land, close but not too close, for his brothers to build their own house. They are planning it now and the supplies will be delivered to start construction in another week. Elijah, Logan, and his brothers are going to help them build it. They aren’t going to hire someone; they want to use their hands to put in every board. I believe it will be a bonding experience for both sets of the brothers.

Elijah has decided to expand our little cabin, which I protested—it’s homey. But he insisted it wasn’t big enough for the family we want to have. He certainly is putting all his effort into getting me pregnant—not that I protest much. The demanding heat has eased but I will never get enough of my mate. He brings out the animal in me.

We decided to build a horse ranch. He told me about the one he left behind and I think it brought him peace working with the animals. I am curious but I haven’t had any experience with them. Elijah is eager to teach me, just as he does in the bedroom.

It’s important to have many lessons in that area.

He quit his job at the investigation firm. It wasn’t fulfilling for him and he wants to dedicate all his time to the business—and me.

He gave me the choice of staying home, or working. I decided to stay home so we could learn about each other more, and have an adjustment period. The horse ranch won’t be ready for a while but he assures me that we will be fine. I love waking up with him, having a meal, running through the forest, and snuggling in front of the fire at night talking.

My mom is staying in town for now. She got a job at a bookstore and is doing well. At my encouragement, she is talking to a professional about the past trauma. She went through somuch and has so much shame from her decisions. Talking to someone has brought her some clarity and the ability to move on. No matter what, she makes sure she goes to her appointment every week.

We are learning about each other every day. I thought we would fall back in to how we were, but I discovered she hid so much of herself from me. Plus, always being on the road wasn’t exactly relaxing enough to have an honest conversation. She comes over to eat often with us, and sometimes we go out. Elijah usually is always with me. Sometimes, he insists that we spend the time alone—he knows I need the time with just us. It’s almost unbelievable that I have her again. I wake up every day expecting to be in the past and it’s always a pleasant surprise when it dawns on me that I have her back. There are many moments that I catch myself looking at her and basking in her presence and the laughter that I missed so much.


May left. My heart squeezes thinking about it. She needed to find her way in her new life. I wish I would have had more time with her, but I understand her decision. We talk on the phone once a day and she plans to visit often. I fear that she will eventually pull away. I try to take every opportunity to tell her that I love her and I will always be here for her. We share the stories of our lives—hers are very painful to hear—and our hopes for the future. Her pain leaks through my phone. I want to take it for her. She has only told me about some of the things that happened in her childhood. I want her to be comfortable enough to give me the burden of her memories.

Our relationship will take time. All I can do is welcome her with open arms when she decides to trust me with it all and come home to me. I won’t push her. She has had her choices taken away too much already in her life.