Why? You going to throw something surprising at him?Em pouts.He’s the world’s strongest fucking greed monster. I’m pretty sure he’s anticipated our attacks.

Greed monster?I’ve seen a ton of different monsters over the years, but I can’t say I’ve ever heard of a so-called greed monster.

They fuck with your mind,Em responds, and I detect a sliver of fear in his voice that normally remains hidden.

Is Em…afraid of Creep’s father? That doesn’t really bode well for us. Em usually isn’t afraid of anything.

Fuck with your mind?I mentally urge Em to continue.

I need to know exactly what I’m dealing with. We talked about it a little bit back at our base, but I always felt stupid asking for more information when the others seemed to know everything already. Now, I’m berating myself for not speaking up.

He makes you want things.Em pauses and then amends his previous statement.He makes you want things so badly that you’ll kill others to get it.

That sounds ominous as fuck.

We’ve got a plan,I remind him.

The plan requires us to stay united,Em retorts.Barnabas is going to try to fuck that up.

Don’t get greedy, then.

His only response is a dark chuckle, and a sense of foreboding crawls slowly up my spine.

Everything I've seen about monsters thus far has been defined by greed. The desire to level up, to own humans, to increase their own sense of self-worth.

We may be fucked.

Now you get it,Empty says, almost jovially.

What the fuck? Is that supposed to be your pep talk before we head up?

That's supposed to be a reminder not to let that gold-tailed bastard get inside your head. Only I'm allowed in here,he retorts scathingly.

Yeah, well, you're more likely than I am to screw us all over. You're the one who tried to kill Aliana to keep her for yourself.

Psht. That was weeks ago. I'm a changed poltergeist.

So you don't want her all to yourself, then? You don't dream about slitting all our throats and having her to yourself—I start to vividly picture doing just that. Killing each of the Terrors in gruesome but satisfying detail.

FUCK!Empty steals the reins, and my body jerks roughly to a stop, my neck lashing forward and back.

What the hell is your prob?—

He's already in here!Em hisses in a panicked tone.

My neck twists as Empty swivels my head. I can already see Dev's claws extended, his beady red eyes focused on Creep as if the monster is his next target instead of his closest friend. And I was just picturing killing all of them to keep her.

Dammit to fuck. Empty's right.

Even Uni is clutching his dolls tighter, muttering to them under his breath, his expression suspicious as he darts glances around at the rest of us.

How do we stop it? What can we do?Bile rises in my throat, my cheeks flushing, panic making me feel like I'm going to puke.

We have to break their concentration,Em asserts.

And all of a sudden, my body is contorting and twisting, my mouth is opening, eyes are widening—Em pulling each piece of me as if he's a puppet master. Words spring from my lips, and I'm shocked into silence as Em sings, "I'm a little teapot, short and stout…"

All eyes swivel to us.