“My parents?” His words are shocking enough for my magic to fizzle out. The icicle becomes nothing but water that drips from my fingers to the floor.

“Illy assured me that her sister and husband would take care of you.” Tennious’s frown deepens, creating taut lines on his handsome face. “Was that not the case?”

“Illy?” Nothing he’s saying is making a lick of sense.

My head threatens to explode from the sudden onslaught of information. I feel like a balloon full of helium. Any second now, I’m going to burst.

“Your mother.” Tennious says this matter-of-factly, like he’s merely discussing the weather outside.

“My mother wasn’t named Illy—” I begin.

“When Illy got sick, she begged her sister to look after you. As much as Illy and I loved each other, she knew I wasn’t…fit to be a father.” A tiny crease materializes between his brows. “I struggle with certain emotions.” He pauses, considers his next words, and then says, “But I know I don’t want you to die.”


That one word plays on a loop in my head, even as I try to find a new meaning for it. This male—this terrifying, monstrous male—can’t truly be my father, can he? The mere idea is laughable. He works for the enemy, for fuck’s sake.

And yet…

I can’t help but take in his white hair, so much like my own, and his glacial-blue eyes.

And then I remember the tracker found dead in the visitor’s parking lot, covered in ice…

No. No. No.

I don’t realize I’m saying those words out loud until Tennious eyes me quizzically.

“Most humans are happy to be reunited with one of their parents, yes?” He sounds genuinely confused by my reaction.

“I’m not human,” I manage to say around the hysteria taking root.

“No, you’re half monster.” Tennious continues to regard me with cold eyes—eyes that look similar to my own and yet nothing like mine. Even on my worst days, I don’t think I’ve everlooked so…empty before. So emotionless. So cold. “But we need to leave?—”

“No.” I shake my head adamantly as sheer determination rushes through me. I once again form an ice blade in my free hand. “I’m not leaving without my mates.”


Quick as a whip, I press the ice blade against his throat. My heart rams against my breastbone with frightening velocity.

I know there’s a lot I need to discuss with him, especially if what he claims is true, but now isn’t the time. He’s not the priority. My mates are.

I won’t hesitate to slit his throat if it means getting back to the monsters I love.

“I’m going back for my mates with or without you.” My words are a soft caress, potent and deadly, both a vow and a threat.

For a brief moment, I swear I seeprideflash in the monster’s eyes, but it’s there and gone in less than a second.

He dips his chin in acquiescence. “Very well.”

I hold the blade against his cold flesh for a second longer, making sure this isn’t a trick, but he simply regards me with cool, unfeeling eyes. Only when I’m certain he isn’t going to attack do I allow the ice to dematerialize. He releases my arm and steps back.

Without another word, I turn on my heel and race back towards my mates. I notice somewhat belatedly that my so-called “bio dad” doesn’t follow me.

Hang on, my loves.

I’m coming for you.