Even though I’m certain that his minions told him about our little human mate—correction, partially human mate—I doubt he could conceive how much having her has changed us. United us. Bonded us.

To him, friendship is a weakness.Loveis a weakness. If you can’t do something on your own, then you deserve to be eradicated from this earth.

He couldn’t be more wrong.

“Give me something worth my while, and maybe I’ll let you live.” I pretend to examine my sharp fingernails using the light of the single hanging bulb.

“Barnabas is almost constantly with Tennious,” Christmasy says eagerly. “He claims it’s because Tennious is his second-in-command, but I think it’s because he’s scared and knows Tennious can protect him.”

“And this…Tennious… What are his powers exactly?” I try to keep my tone casual and indifferent, not allowing either of these monsters to see the fear lurking just beneath my carefully crafted façade.

Most monsters we can handle with ease, but one powerful enough that my father feels the need to keep him by his side at all times?

My stomach lurches.

Christmasy and Scorpion exchange a long, eloquent look that I translate to: “We have no fucking idea.”

“Is that all?” I tilt my head to the side curiously.

“They’re on the top floor, and they have dozens, if not hundreds, of monsters surrounding them,” Christmasy says. “An entire freaking army.”

“Why do they follow him?” I can’t help but crinkle my nose in disgust.

Scorpion scoffs. “Isn’t it obvious? He’s offering everything you and the other Terrors never did—power and humans.”

“He promised us not only the city but the entire world,” Christmasy adds. “Every monster who helps him will get territory of their own to rule over.”

His eyes take on a wistful, glassy state, and this time, it’s me who scoffs. My father would never hand out power to other monsters, especially ones as weak as these.

They got played, just as every other monster in this building did.

I have to give my father credit. It’s ingenious, actually. He created an army of monsters who will kill and die for him, and that’s exactly the outcome he wants. He won’t shed a tear if every single one of these creatures is slaughtered by me and the other Terrors. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’splanningon us killing them.

He doesn’t want to share his crown with anyone.

“Unfortunately for you two, you backed the wrong king.” I allow my easygoing smile to slip, allow them to see the darkness in my eyes—a product of my father’s cruel abuse and the continuous threats against my mate.

This is war, and there will be no mercy.

Without preamble, I reach for Christmasy’s head and give it a tug, feeling a tiny bit of resistance as tendons and muscles hang on for dear life. I use a little more force and then—pop—I hold the monster’s decapitated head up in the air.

Oddly enough, his body remains upright, green blood jetting up in spurts like one of those old-timey water parks humans had for little kids, where the water would shoot up out of a hole inthe ground. I watch it for a moment before shrugging it off and turning to the other monster.

Scorpion makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat and lunges at me, his tail extended. I have no idea if it’s poisonous like a normal scorpion, but I’m not going to stick around long enough to find out.

I portal to a dark corner directly behind the monster and watch as he rams headfirst into the wall. He staggers, appearing dazed, and if this were a cartoon, I imagine I would see birds flying around his head.

And then, like an angel of death, I step out of the shadows.



Only Tesq’shand in mine keeps me from completely losing my shit.

Creep is somewhere ahead of me, alone, attempting to clear a pathway to allow us easy access to Barnabas and his minions. Fear for my blue monster threatens to bowl me over, but iron determination and willpower keeps me upright. I can’t afford to lose myself to the turmoil of my thoughts when we’re seconds away from the largest fight of our lives.

I have my crossbow slung over my shoulder and my bag of magical jewels in a pouch connected to my waistband. They’re merely backup, though. My true power—the one that will hopefully make a difference in this war—is my ice.