While Em dartsover to the other room to recruit Tesq to be our living lava lamp, I recline on the blanket he's laid out and stare up at the ceiling. The poltergeist leaves the door to the hall propped open so that I'm not left in complete darkness, which is strangely thoughtful of him. Just like this picnic. And his gift. Strange but thoughtful.

We're in such an utter mess,I think as I note that a group of bats is sleeping off in one corner of the darkened space.

I sigh as I watch one of them flutter their wings and shift into a more comfortable position, closer to his little friends. Snuggling. If bats snuggle, which I'm not really certain they do. Creepy critters. Maybe. I never thought monsters had a soft side either, but every passing day with my mates is proving me wrong.

The other bats shuffle slightly so their companion can wedge himself between their bodies.

I tilt up the corner of my lips. At our core, we all just want to figure out where we fit.

Of course, the little bat chooses that moment to thrust its ass out and shit where it hangs, the white drop ruining my desire to associate any of my own problems with the little fucker.

Bet it's a male bat.

And with that, my brain has moved on to other things in new directions.

Cracking my neck side to side, I wonder if the Terrors have come up with a plan of attack yet. I know that everyone is furious about the public declaration that their reigns are over. But I'm not sure if they know exactly what to do about it.

Yes, they can attack and maim and kill.

But we've done that a few times in a row now, and I'm not sure it's helping.

I have no idea what the monster version of "politicking" is, but my gut tells me the guys should try something like that. Back in the human resistance, those who wanted to lead a squad made dinner for current leaders, watched their children, even washed their clothes. They worked on sucking up to prove their dedication.

I snort at the very idea of my monsters working. Tesq may cook, but his cooking was just as likely to kill those around him as feed them. Dev and Em would scoff at the idea of doing chores. Creep would be good at the smooth-talking and glad-handing. He could charm every monster in the room, if they let him live long enough to open his mouth. Given the current state of things, that's highly unlikely.

Apparently, we've got no choice but violence.

A little smile bursts across my lips, and I chuckle at how much I grow giddy at the prospect.

Maybe I should be thinking about ways I can get creative with my newfound powers instead of trying to brainstorm non-violent solutions. I wonder if I could freeze someone's tongue and make the ice grow thick enough that they literally choke on it.

Dark daydreams flit through my mind as my monster side takes control.

I'm biting my lip and rubbing my thighs together at the thought of impaling another monster's ass with an icicle when Tesq stomps into the room trailing Em.

"This is not urgent." Tesq's tone is a low rumble that cuts off abruptly when he spots me laid out on the blanket, hair splayed out around me.

While I can't hear how hard he swallows, two lines of lava crack open along his neck and pulse slightly as he does, making me think my gentle giant is a tiny bit affected by the sight. It makes my imagination shift from the idea of razor-sharp icicles to rounded ones. I wonder how my gargoyle would handle me teasing his ass with one of those...

"You sure? Looks like our mate has a pretty urgent need to me.” Em's grin is both devious and filled with lust as his eyes trace over my form.

"FUCK!" Creep screams from the other room.

Immediately, I jolt up into a seated position, and Tesq begins to dart sideways, back toward the entrance.

Em, not registering the horror in Creep's tone—or perhaps just immune to it after all the hideous things he's supposedly put his menagerie through—calls out, "Yeah. That's what I'm trying to do. Kindly SHUT THE HELL UP!"

But I'm bolting for the ramp, following after Tesq and avoiding Em's fingers as he tries to grab me.

"Aliana.” Em's tone is genuinely hurt and confused, but I don't have time to explain.

My heart's pounding with the intensity of a nail gun. Each thud feels like a sharp spike shot right into my ribs.

"Come on," I urge, waving my arm for him to follow as I sprint up to the swinging door left in Tesq's wake.

"Dammit," Em grumbles behind me as he starts to move.