Em arches an eyebrow. “Thatwas your point? Seriously?” Then, under his breath, he adds, “And you guys call me dramatic.”

Before Creep can retort, Tesq stiffens, the rivulets of lava lining his back dilating and contracting in response to his tension.

“They’re here,” he hisses as ten monsters emerge from the right tunnel, just ten feet from us.

And then all hell breaks loose.



Tesq charges through the doorway,Dev on his heels, and immediately, the underground tunnel fills with the sounds of fighting. Roars of fury, the smash of limb against limb, the buzz of an oversized insect from a flying monster who looks like a box with wings, a snarl from Fluffy.

The rest of us follow in a rush, grabbing whatever is nearest to use as a weapon. In my case, I snatch up two cans of vegetables.

Creep whoops and leaps on top of the box monster who zips toward him. His antlers scrape the ceiling, but he doesn’t seem to notice, riding the other bucking tongue like he's a cowboy.

A shimmering, mirror-covered monster stomps in my direction, and I launch one of the cans at his head. It smashes into his cheek with a satisfying crack, and bits of him rain down, revealing a black skull beneath.

His angry roar surges around me, and there’s a strange instant in which I somehow know this bastard’s power level. It’s almost as if it’s a blinking sign hanging in the air over his head, only there’s nothing there. This disco bastard is an Eight.

He extends his arms, heading for me, but Tesq reaches out with a lava-coated palm and melts him in less than a second, turning him into a puddle of silvery goo.

I blow my gargoyle a kiss, and he gives a shy smile in return, a little blush forming on his cheeks, which are bared to me now. I absolutely adore it, and a warm, fluttery feeling that has no place in a fight takes up residence inside my rib cage.

Our little moment is rudely interrupted by a bastard with an ax trying to behead me.

Of course, the arrogant tongue doesn’t expect me to be quick enough to duck or expect a can of corn to smash right into his unimpressive dick. When he gives a garbled gasp and starts to double over, I freeze him in place, his entire body icing over. He ends up looking like an ice sculpture arch with that ax of his drooping over the other side.

Or maybe…what were those human treats? I’ve seen pictures. Candy lanes? Canes? Something like that.

In any case, he’s done for.

Chase sidles up to me with a grumpy look on his face. “I was just about to stab him for you.”

Oops. Not Chase. Em. I’ve been better about knowing who is who, but I must be a bit tired today because I’ve been struggling.

“I’ll let you kill the next one so you don’t feel totally emasculated,” I retort with heavy sarcasm as I see an entire gaggle of new monsters pouring toward us through the tunnel, drawn in behind the original ten.

“Thank you— Wait—” But Em doesn’t get to finish that thought because a tooth with a bull head charges at us, and he’s too busydodging horns attempting to gore him and swiping with his knife to discuss whether I just insulted his fragile male ego.

I turn my head to find a hugely entrancing sight. Tesq and Dev are both double fisting, crushing the necks of some spindly shadow monsters in each hand. Their raw power radiates down the tunnel in pulsing waves that seem to crash right into my pussy, and I find myself taking a step backwards, struggling to find my balance as I watch them toss dead monsters aside like it’s nothing.

Fluffy lifts a leg and pees on one of their corpses, eliciting a chuckle from me.

I have no idea what activated my monster side or how, but all of these new feelings are awakening in me, and I can’t say that I despise them. It’s a shock for me to think that, after I fiercely hated their kind for so long, but my new instincts feel so much stronger than logic.

Aggression and bloodlust surge up through my veins stronger than ever before. Caution always used to draw a careful circle around the other two feelings, and they didn’t dare step outside the line. Because then I thought I was human. I thought I was fragile. Little did I know…that’s not the case at all.

Now, I unleash a banshee scream, not holding back as I launch myself at these other belluas. I don’t care that we’re outnumbered, don’t carefully take the most strategic position. I let raw rage flow through me as I join the fray.

A green slime blob comes rolling toward me, the body of a decaying cat stuck in its center, and I shoot out icicles at it. The spears fly uselessly right through the bastard, and it starts to pulse as though it’s chuckling at me.

That pisses me off. “That funny? You goddamned oversized booger! Well, let’s see if this is funny.”

Impulsively, I shove my hand right into it and let cold burst from my palm. The slime hardens all around me, turning into a giant green ball of ice. I kick out, and it cracks. A second kick, and it shatters and falls into shards at my feet.

My smirk down at it is short-lived, because even though my Terrors are wreaking havoc on the monsters around me, more feet sound in the distance. Peering into the tunnel, I see an entire horde of new monsters heading for us. What does that make? Thirty? Fifty? I can’t even count how many are in this third wave.