He brought her song to an end.

And for that, his sounds needed to be snuffed from the world.

Slowly, I rise to my feet, never peeling my gaze from his damn shoe. The shoe leads to a leg, then a waist, then a torso, and then finally a head, his one good eye wide and vacant but lacking the horror he should’ve felt.

My movements are icy and mechanical, so unlike me, as I lower myself beside his still form. The rage is still there, bubbling and fizzing like water in a kettle, but it’s been pushed behind a wall of pure ice.

He needs to pay.

With a cry, I throw myself at my father’s body and hit and scratch and attack all over again. I don’t care that he’s already dead. I don’t care that he won’t fight back. I don’t care that brutalizing his corpse won’t return Aliana to me.

None of that matters.

Nothing matters anymore.

Tears stream down my face as I rip off one arm and fling it across the room and then continue to destroy the body of the man I hate most of all. By the time I’m done with him, he’s nothing but a lumpy mass of skin, bones, and blood.

But it isn’t enough.

Nothing will ever be enough.

I throw my head back and roar.



I don’t recognizethe sound I’m making.

It’s not a scream or a growl or even a cry.

Everything inside of me rebels against what I’m seeing. I half want to close my eyes and blanket this unforgiving world in darkness. Maybe then, the sight before me won’t be real.

But no.

Aliana’s still lying in my arms.



My mate’s dead.

Before I even realize what I’m doing, I’m slamming my fist into the floor hard enough for the entire building to shake and tremble. Pain reverberates from my busted knuckles, but it’s a small ache compared to the gnawing pit in my chest.

Aliana’s dead.




I’m belatedly aware that Creep has dropped to his knees beside us, staring at Aliana’s prone form and Tesq has begun to cry, his granite shoulders shaking. Em merely stands there, holding his wounded arm, his eyes glazed and unseeing.

From somewhere behind us, that white-haired fucker who helped us win the fight takes a step closer. I’m dimly aware of Tesq asking the monster who he is.

And everything inside of me goes still when he replies, “Her father.”