Terror scuttles up my throat like an overgrown, hairy spider, and every time I swallow, it’s all I taste.

Oh god. I love them. And they’ll never know the truth.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

Think, Aliana! Think!

How can I—an ice monster—defeat another ice monster? Maybe if I could just reach for my jewels…

“You need to get out of here.” The monster’s voice is cold and unfeeling, even as his grip tightens nearly imperceptibly around my wrist.

He continues to drag me forward like a sack of grain, but I dig my feet into his hard belly in an attempt to stop our forward momentum.

“If you’re going to kill me, at least have the decency to look me in the eyes,” I hiss.

And that…Thatseems to get an emotion out of the strange monster. To my surprise, he sets me down, though he keeps hold of my arm. Shock flickers to life in his glacial eyes, and he opens and closes his mouth repeatedly before transforming from ice sculpture back into a monster that closely resembles ahuman except for his incredibly pale skin and shockingly white hair.

“I’m not going to kill you.” He stares at me as if I’ve got a few screws loose.

We stand in the middle of a hallway, dead bodies strewn in all directions, the stench of death clogging my nose.

“I’d rather die than be your slave,” I bark.

And that’s the truth. I’d jam my own icicle into my chest if it meant freeing myself from him.

His white eyebrows arch downwards, though his eyes remain impassive, and his lips firm into a thin line. “I apologize. I do not quite understand how to go about doing this.”

Go about doing what?

But I don’t ask that question. Doing so will involve an answer, and I don’t have the time. Ineedto get back to my mates, to Em and Chase. I need to make sure they’re okay.

“Please, just let me go.” I don’t care that I’m begging a monster. I’ll willingly get down on my knees if it means he’ll release me.

“My name is Tennious.” He stares at me expectantly.


Why does that name sound so familiar?

Then it hits me.

“You’re Barnabas’s second-in-command.” A new type of terror grabs hold of my throat and squeezes until I fear I’ll pass out.

Is that their plan? Use me against my mates?

It’ll work. God knows it’ll work. All four of my Terrors will stop fighting if my life is on the line.

You can’t let that happen, Aliana.

They need to live.

There’s no other choice.

I struggle against Tennious with renewed vigor. I refuse to be a pawn to utilize against my mates.

In my free hand, the one not currently gripped by the monster, I attempt to form an icicle. Maybe I could try to stab him in the throat?—

“Your parents never mentioned me.” It’s not a question. Tennious cocks his head to the side curiously, his lips curving down slightly. It’s strange to see on his face, almost as if his facial muscles don’t quite know how to work properly.