I’m also wearing a nearly new outfit. Creep portalled into an abandoned biker store somewhere in Jersey, and now I’m wearing brand-new calf-high leather lace-up boots, slick black pants, a black shirt, and a leather jacket that has neon pink stripes down both arms. The stripes call a little more attention to me than I’d like, but fuck, my old clothes were so full of either blood or cum that this outfit is far more comfortable.

I stare down at my free hand and think of how my life has changed since I was bought by the Terrors. Back then, I’d been terrified of them—and even more afraid of my growing feelings for the four monsters. I thought I was betraying humankind by allowing them to touch me, care for me, love me.

Now, I can’t imagine life without them.

Tesq stands directly beside me, cold fury paving its way across his stone face. The heat of his palm in mine is a startling contrast to my cold skin.

Behind us are Dev and Em, the former pacing and the latter standing with his hands clasped around a gun. Since the Empty Man is trapped inside of Chase’s body for the time being, it was decided that he would have a weapon. Em doesn’t know the first thing about shooting a gun, but Chase is a skilled marksman. I have no doubt my cocky human will be able to protect my monster mate.


I shake my head at such a ridiculous thought, even as my heart increases speed.

Uni stands the farthest back, his gray face nearly hidden in shadows, his tentacles wavering in the air as he whispers to his two dolls, who have both been shoved into a makeshift baby carrier that wraps around his chest. At first, I tried to hear what he was saying to them, but then the words “orgy” and “monster cocks” flitted to my ears, and I zoned the fuck out.

Yup. Nope. Not happening.

The radio connected to my shoulder begins to crackle, and then Creep’s voice echoes through the tunnel, staticky and tinny.

“Beautiful, this is Blue Lightning. Are you in position?”

Nerves war with relief at hearing Creep’s voice.

I press down on the radio button and lower my chin to speak to him. “Yes. I’m here with…” I hesitate briefly, remembering the code names Creep gave my other mates, before continuing. “I’m here with Stoned AF, Mostly Ghosty, and, um, Hairy Boy. Water Man and the Two Misses are ready as well.”

All three of my mates glare at me, and I hold my hands up in the air to fend off any impending arguments.Ididn’t pick the code names.

“Roger that. Basement has been cleared out. I’m ready for Hairy Balls to make his move.”

Dev growls. “I thought it was Hairy Boy.”

“Isn’t that what I said?” Creep asks innocently.

“I vote we change my code name,” Dev barks out, his voice a low rumble.

“Too late. We’re already here. There’s an unspoken rule that code names can’t be changed once we’re in the middle of battle, Hairy Boy.”

“I swear to fuck, if you call me Hairy Boy one more time, I will eat you.” Dev steps forward so he can glare at the radio on my shoulder, as if he’s visualizing reaching through the radio waves, gripping Creep by the neck, and wringing it like a chicken.

“I suppose we can change it…”

Dev puffs out his chest.

And then Creep continues, “Hairy Balls, we’re ready for you.”

Dev bristles, and I have to bite back my smile. Trust Creep to bring levity to one of the scariest moments of my life. Only my crazy mate could make me smile at a time like this.

Tesq rolls his eyes and tugs at my hand, moving me away from the wall. He then positions himself so he’s standing slightly in front of me, protecting me. Em claims Tesq’s previous position at my side.

“Stand back,” Dev growls, rolling his neck from side to side, his pointed monster ears flicking, tongue grazing over his sharp teeth as he opens his muzzle and bares them at the wall as if he can intimidate it.

Then, he charges at it with a roar.

There’s an audible cracking sound, and I’m filled with an inexplicable amount of fear at the thought of that noise belonging to my mate’s bones. But then chips of cement begin to rain down around us, and a hole appears in the wall the size of the Devourer.

My jaw unhinges, and I blink in surprise.

He did it.