“No. I want you to stay as still as you can and let me fuck you.” His arms wrap around me then, one of those massive biceps curling in front of my face within biting range. The other clamps down around my lower back, locking me against his body.

His gargoyle strength has never been more apparent than when he’s boxed me into his chest, and I realize I can’t move even if I wanted to.

Not that I want to. I’m more than willing to do whatever Tesq wants. I trust him completely.

But I don’t expect what actually happens. Not at all.

At first, I’m not even sure what’s happening, because he holds me in place and doesn’t move. But then…then I feel it. There’s a massive stretch inside of me, a sense of motion, and something glides over my G-spot.

I gasp. “What?”

But then the sensation swoops lower, along my lips, and I figure out what’s going on. Tesq’s uncoiling his dicks while they’re inside of me. And once he has them unwrapped, they move along my pussy lips and coil back together in the opposite direction.


I’ve never felt anything like this before. It’s intense, and there’s a bit of strangeness, a bit of pain to it, but as he repeats the process and spreads those dicks wider apart inside of me, he also ends up rubbing more intensely against my G-spot, forcing a long moan to erupt from between my lips.

“Mate. Mate.” Tesq chants the word almost under his breath as he speeds up his uncoiling and recoiling until I’m bucking and writhing in his hold, tears streaming down my cheeks because it’s more intense than anything I’ve ever experienced.

“Tesq.” His name is a plea—whether it’s for him to stop or for more, I’m not certain.

But somehow, he knows. He pulls me in tighter and wraps his hand more firmly around my ribs so that his hand can glide along my lower belly. This time, without any guidance, hefinds my clit. His fingers slide over either side of it, pinching it between them as he coils and uncoils even faster, so quickly that the sensations inside me become a quivering ripple of constant sensation.

“Aliana. Fuck. Aliana. I LOVE YOU,” he roars, the words echoing through the cave, through my nerve endings.

His orgasm triggers my own, and I shake against him, trembling and clenching, gasping until—to my own surprise—the world becomes as hazy as the steam around us, and I pass the fuck out.



I imaginethe Empire State Building was once a grand skyscraper. I can see the ghost of opulence in the marble floors, intricate ceiling designs, and elaborate moldings.

But the marble floors are now cracked and covered in drying blood, dirt, and debris. The intricate ceiling designs are nearly unrecognizable, due to the wildlife growing down through it. And the elaborate moldings are beginning to shatter and crumble, unveiling a gray, dusky world outside.

A heady combination of fear and cocky adrenaline laces my bloodstream as I portal from shadow to shadow, counting how many monsters we’ll have to face. There are over a dozen in the lobby—all Eights and Nines—which makes me immensely happy we decided to go through the basement instead.

My job is simple—find a clear pathway for the others to the top floor, and if I can’t find one, make one. As soon as I give the signal, Dev will use his strength to tear apart the wall in the basement, allowing the others access.

And since Aliana is a part of the “others,” I need to make sure there is not a single threat left alive that can harm a hair on her pretty, little head.

I portal down to the basement.

While the lobby and upper floors were a glimmering patchwork of gold and marble, the basement is nothing but cement walls, cement floors, and cement ceilings. Pipes run the length of the large room, though the majority of them have begun to fall with age. They dangle at odd angles, almost like metal streamers.

No one would expect someone to enter through here. There’s not a door that I can see, nor are there any windows. It’s nothing but a cement cube littered with broken furniture and rotted boxes.

But we have something others don’t have.

The Devourer, whose strength rivals that of a dozen monsters.

Within the basement, there are only two monsters that I can see, both of them Fours, and they’re sitting at a broken table playing cards.

I’m not the least bit surprised my father would have his weakest monsters watching the basement. He would have all of his strongest soldiers guarding the main entrance and the fire exits.

I can’t help but smirk.

My father’s cockiness in his own capabilities will lead to his death. A real death this time. I won’t walk away. I won’t have trouble looking. This time, I’ll ensure his face is stomped in until his skull doesn’t have a bit of bone left bigger than a chess piece, his brain rolled out under my shoe like cookie dough.