He doesn’t look surprised to find out what a sick fuck his father is, just repulsed.

Aliana reaches for his claw and squeezes it.

Uni lifts the blue arm he swapped with Creep and points at the tentacle attached to the Terror’s side. “I’ll be wanting that back. My girls don’t like pointy fingers. They prefer tentacles on their tits.”

He scoops his two dolls up with one of his tentacles and pulls them close.

“Of course,” Creep responds, a slight scratch in his tone that betrays how much this information upsets him.

“Did you figure out their location?” Dev asks.

Uni looks offended. “Isn’t that why you sent me?” He turns to one of his dolls and shakes his head at her as if he can’t believe the question. Then he faces me again, as if I’m in charge, which is ridiculous. “Barnabas and his main crew are holed up in the space that the humans used to call the Empire State Building.”



Tomorrow’s the day.

The day we’ll fight for our lives.

The day we’ll fight for our love.

The day we’ll fight for a world that isn’t ruled by a malevolent tyrant.

Nerves tangle together in my belly, and I can’t decide if the skittering sensation on my skin is from fear or adrenaline. Whatever it is makes sleep impossible.

All I can do is pace.

Dev, surprisingly, was the first of my monsters to fall asleep. I thought he would stubbornly remain awake, guarding us while we slept, but Creep told me Dev needed time to recharge before the fight tomorrow.

Creep collapsed next. I think the prospect of seeing his father tomorrow—and hopefully ending his miserable life—is taking its toll on my snarky, silly mate.

Uni disappeared shortly after we finalized our plan for battle, and Chase and Em walked off an hour or so ago. They didn’t tell me why, but I suspect it’s because Em wants to learn how to fight in Chase’s body. But of course, they won’t confess that out loud. They don’t want to be perceived as weak by me or the other Terrors.

Soon, the only people left in the clearing are me and Tesq.

My gargoyle watches me as I pace, his eyes hot on my face, almost as hot as the magma traversing his gray skin. He doesn’t speak, allowing me a moment to fall apart away from the watchful gazes of the others.

We have a plan.

But I worry it won’t be enough.

Dev went over every aspect of how tomorrow will play out. I know exactly what I need to do and how to do it. Still, the fear persists, this white-hot pang in my chest where my heart should be.

Dev initially wanted me to remain behind, but I put my foot down before that idea could gain traction. There’s no way in hell I’m allowing my guys to put their lives on the line while I hide away like a dainty princess in distress. It only took a few minutes for Dev to reluctantly change his mind, but I can tell he isn’t happy about it.

None of my mates are happy about it, but they trust me—and my capabilities—enough to allow me to fight.

To end this, once and for all.

“Breathe.” Tesq’s deep, raspy voice drags my attention to where he stands next to a stump on the opposite side of the clearing. “Need to breathe.”

It’s only then I realize that my breathing is coming out in ragged gasps of air. I’m surprised I didn’t pass out from the lack of oxygen to my brain.

I work to modulate my erratic breathing, my chest mimicking the steady rise and fall of Tesq’s. The curiosity in his eyes from moments before has turned into concern.

“Everything could go to shit tomorrow,” I blurt as I take a tentative step towards him. My breathing is still embarrassingly choppy.