Em turns quiet in my head.


They are extinct. Sort of.He pauses, as if bracing himself for my reaction, before blurting out,But I had one in my menagerie. Those bastards must’ve stolen him and then used him to track me.

My spine tightens, and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. At the same time, depression, dark as molasses, sticks to the inside of my ribs.So they’re going after you? Us, I mean?

I debate the merits of running away to protect Aliana and the others, but I’m terrified of leaving her. What if something happens to her and the others while we’re gone? What if we’re wrong, and the tracker is actually after one of the others?

We’re not leaving, human,Em snaps vehemently.

But the tracker will continue to come after us, even if we all run.

There’s an edge of cold, hard fury in Em’s voice when he speaks next, and a chill works its way down my spine.Then we take the fight to them. And we kill every last monster who dare try to attack the Terrors and their mate.



I’m havinga wonderful dream that features me, a beach, and four extremely sexy monsters doting on me hand and foot. There are margaritas involved—the fancy ones with umbrellas I’ve seen in old, ripped magazines—and foot massages and orgasms.

Lots and lots of orgasms.

But then my happy, blissful bubble is eviscerated when someone bellows, “Aliana! Get up!”

I jerk upright in bed, frowning.

I’ve fallen asleep on top of Creep—yes, on top, because the bed is way too small to sleep side by side on—and my blue monster appears just as confused as I do. He blinks rapidly and focuses on the figure in the doorway.

Tesq and Dev are both already up. The former chose to sleep on the couch, while the latter became entranced by a puzzle he found in Tesq’s collection. It’s adorably nerdy, though I’ll never admit that to him out loud.

And the other two…


Chase’s chest heaves as he reaches for a huge carving knife Tesq keeps in his kitchen. “Monsters. Lots of them. And a tracker.”

All of us are instantly on alert.

Tesq growls something too low for me to hear and then moves to grab a backpack from a shelf. He begins to throw supplies haphazardly into the bag while Fluffy whines at his feet, her front paws extended as she stretches.

Dev’s claw elongates with the force of his fury, and coarse black fur explodes on his arms.

“How far away, and how many?” he growls.

Unlike the others, he doesn’t reach for a weapon.

He is a weapon all on his own.

“Their voices are muffled but echoing, thanks to the tunnel. I would say a few minutes away. Maybe longer.” Chase inspects the blade beneath the flickering Christmas lights before nodding once—probably in response to something Em said internally—and sliding a blade under his belt. “I heard at least six different voices.”

“And you said they have a tracker with them?” Creep asks with concern, quickly throwing his clothes back on.

The two of us didn’t bother with them once we returned from the aquarium.

I dress as well, back in all black since it will help me blend in inside the tunnels. Then I move to grab my own backpack. Ihave a gun, but it’s low on ammo, a blunt knife, and a bow and arrow. I also have my collection of magical jewels…and my own ice powers.

“They couldn’t possibly have a tracker,” Dev barks, staring at Chase as if he has a few screws loose. “Trackers are extinct.” His tone eloquently implies “duh.”